Pray It Before I Say It - Moments of Hope Devotional - July 14, 2019

Pray It Before I Say It
by Marilynn Chadwick

I once read an article describing the ways women are “stronger than men.” Women tend to live longer, be more stoic when sick, and boast a higher college graduation rate than men.

I’ve grown tired of such gender comparisons. I believe men and women are created by God to uniquely represent his complete image. “Male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27 NLT). All scientific research aside, men and women are supposed to be different.

Let’s reflect back to the creation account in Genesis 2:18 of the woman as “helper,” or ezer. God equipped us with a unique “protector” role.

In the ancient Hebrew language, the letters for the word ezer were actually pictures that evolved into the modern letters used today. According to one scholar, the ancient picture letters for ezer were an eye, a man, and a weapon.

Could it be that woman, or ezer, might function as a kind of early warning system for her husband? She then becomes a protector for her husband – able to reveal his enemy in times of danger. Perhaps that’s why Satan targeted Eve. If he took the woman down, he removed much of her husband’s protection.

At times, I’m alert to problems or problem people. But my discernment is not always on target. So if something sets off my alarm bell, I commit to praying about it before I say anything to David.

“Pray it before I say it” has become my mantra. That way, I’m more likely to give the right information in the right time and in the right way. Plus, I’m a stronger, more effective helper for David.

Discover God’s path to a better marriage

A key to making your marriage the best it can be isn’t a secret. God commands spouses to give honor to one another – and blesses them for doing so!

David Chadwick and his wife, Marilynn, unpack the biblical meaning of honor in these two special books, Eight Great Ways to Honor Your Husband and Eight Great Ways to Honor Your Wife.

You’ll find humor, humility and a passion for Christ that will inspire you to love your spouse in new ways that:

  • Reignite the “spark” you remember
  • Deepen trust and the intimacy you long for
  • Connect you to God’s original and joy-filled intent for marriage

Both books are our way of saying thanks for your gift below to help share Jesus and the life-changing new perspective He gives.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / Pray It Before I Say It - Moments of Hope Devotional - July 14, 2019