Humility Is the Key to Hearing People (John 9:16) - Your Daily Bible Verse - November 19

Jesus died to give us grace, and we are called to extend it to others.

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BIBLE VERSE OF THE DAY: Some of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath.” But others asked, “How can a sinner perform such signs?” So they were divided. - John 9:16

Humility Is the Key to Hearing People
By Meg Bucher

Listening to my two daughters disagree over the same side of an argument is one of the more frustrating parental experiences of my mom-life.

“NO, I’m doing my math practice first,” one instructed.

“NO, I’m doing my math practice after you,” came the retort.

MOM!!!” they both begged for intervention. And intervention is what they need, sometimes.

“You’re both saying the same thing,” I explained.

“Ohhhh…..” giggle, giggle, ha ha…. and I poured myself a gallon of coffee.

I referee hundreds of conversations a day, and most of the time it’s because one is thinking of her response before the other is done talking. They hardly ever fully hear what the other is saying before they react. And neither want to admit to anything. It’s like a piece of crazy I can’t fix.

The Pharisees in today’s verse were no better. They were divided, and probably not fully listening to each other fully. Adults are not always more accomplished in the listening department.

They were debating over what the law said in comparison to what Jesus did. Laws are important, especially God’s laws, but how often to do we mute someone’s story because we’re stuck on a law …a rule …or a judgement. We can’t get past it, and maybe even believe they have what’s coming to them. But we need to remember what should be coming to us for our sins, and what Jesus died to give us in return.

When we struggle to understand another’s perspective, or embrace our own perplexing circumstances, it’s important to look back at the work God has already done in our lives. It’s crucial to remember the cross.

Humility is the key to hearing people.

How much hurt is caused by miscommunication? How much more do we pile on when we dig our heels in instead of apologizing in humility? Or, accepting forgiveness? Receiving a rebuke and making a change?

Jesus died to give us grace, and we are called to extend it to others. Instead of refereeing conversations and trying to change people, let’s love them for who they are …and where they are …right now. The rest is up to God …and He can handle it.


Praise You for all that You plant in us. Thank You for watering us with Your word so we may bloom in Your love. Forgive us for our lack of extension of love to others. Help us to be compassionate and understanding people, with hearts like His.

 In Jesus’ Name,


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Christianity / Devotionals / Your Daily Bible Verse / Humility Is the Key to Hearing People (John 9:16) - Your Daily Bible Verse - November 19