Shifting Into Higher Gear - God's Love at Work - Week of September 18

Shifting Into Higher Gear

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of September 18, 2022

There is such value in knowing why God is sending us where He's sending us.

Two-and-a-half weeks ago, during quiet time, just before I was about to pack up our household to relocate to another state, Holy Spirit revealed more fresh insight and specific purpose for my new assignments.

This encouraged me greatly. So, if you're being repositioned right now by God, you may be encouraged with this Word . . .

Our Lord is repositioning many in this very hour to bring re-order for next assignments. It's imperative that, as we pack up, clean up and move beyond what is foundational to us to prepare for what’s next, we remember to share devoted time with Him, as He is revealing divine purpose and strategy during these very moments. These revelations will give us more to hold onto and look to with God in the transition. Also, He has not forgotten what may feel unfinished to us.

As our Finisher, He has a plan to complete our existing projects forward and will even reveal specifically where and with whom He is aligning us. In this light, we can be assured that we are not leaving our best work behind but bringing it with us for a beautiful ending and new beginning.

Joy will override former fears, fatigue and what has felt like lost efforts as we continue to surrender it all to Him. He, as our Door, will open up the way to our dreams. We will rise to know another level of freedom as God physically brings us into His powerhouse network, where lightning happens fast and it all comes together in rapid succession.

There are key people He will bring alongside us to help steward these fresh purposes. They are assigned to help us break through and sustain us on our next level. Some will be people we know of and haven't met yet. Some will be people we have known before, and even over a long time, who have grown in Christ and been made ready. Holy Spirit may have already revealed some of these people to you.

Other key people will be re-moved from us, as their divine purpose in our lives has been fulfilled. And it may not happen in this order for the purpose of building our faith in God’s provision.

Our Lord is working it all now to get us where He desires we be, and we will be there very soon. The years 2024 and 2025 will be especially significant. Many will see their mega breakthroughs in these years as they re-order now. It is important that we be ready with our lives in order, so the big changes ahead will flow smoothly.

By now, you should be sensing and realizing that God is moving you into the beautiful time of outward fulfillment, and you will see it take place as you move with Him to re-order your dwelling place. He's repositioning us to flourish with His Son in a new adventure, escaping burdens and limitations from behind, for a whole new life.

We see many times in Holy Scripture, where the Israelites pick up their tents and move into greater dominion. But the ones who remain on the narrow path with careful obedience and wholeheartedness will power all the way through with God and receive the fullness of His promises.

So, don’t fall prey to unbelief and grumbling. Don’t get caught up in overthinking details or be overwhelmed by the mess. It’s time to execute. It’s time to move into what’s before us, and it will look different for each person.

God will reveal more of His strategy as we go with Him His way. He will show us next steps. He will make it clear to us. He will make it efficient. He will provide quick and sustainable solutions for our needs. Trust Him and experience His grace to power forward.

There may be moments when it feels like work, but the joy of our Lord is in us and all around us to help fuel us forward. He will give us a new song during this time of refreshing. He will replenish us with His newness of life as we praise Him through this process of redemption with Him.

We can expect to see more manifestations of honor as we have honored God in prioritizing Him and His beloved. We will begin to see more beauty in the lives of those for whom we have a heart, and the blessings will be returned to us.

Former “Sauls” will be instruments of our pasts that are no longer needed in this new season. They will find no place in this new order and placement of our lives, as Mighty God continues to move us far from them.

Our repentance and restoration has been building over the years, and now we’re in the final clean-up to move into the new, more beautiful life God has for us. To God be the glory. Amen.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.


Christianity / Devotionals / God's Love at Work / Shifting Into Higher Gear - God's Love at Work - Week of September 18