1461 Let the Lord be praised. Give praise to the Lord, O my soul. 2 While I have breath I will give praise to the Lord: I will make melody to my God while I have my being. 3 Put not your faith in rulers, or in the son of man, in whom there is no salvation. 4 Man's breath goes out, he is turned back again to dust; in that day all his purposes come to an end.
5 Happy is the man who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God: 6 Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all things in them; who keeps faith for ever: 7 Who gives their rights to those who are crushed down; and gives food to those who are in need of it: the Lord makes the prisoners free; 8 The Lord makes open the eyes of the blind; the Lord is the lifter up of those who are bent down; the Lord is a lover of the upright; 9 The Lord takes care of those who are in a strange land; he gives help to the widow and to the child who has no father; but he sends destruction on the way of sinners. 10 The Lord will be King for ever; your God, O Zion, will be King through all generations. Praise be to the Lord.
1471 Give praise to the Lord; for it is good to make melody to our God; praise is pleasing and beautiful. 2 The Lord is building up Jerusalem; he makes all the outlaws of Israel come together. 3 He makes the broken-hearted well, and puts oil on their wounds. 4 He sees the number of the stars; he gives them all their names. 5 Great is our Lord, and great his power; there is no limit to his wisdom. 6 The Lord gives help to the poor in spirit; but he sends sinners down in shame. 7 Make songs of praise to the Lord; make melody to our God with instruments of music. 8 By his hand the heaven is covered with clouds and rain is stored up for the earth; he makes the grass tall on the mountains. 9 He gives food to every beast, and to the young ravens in answer to their cry. 10 He has no delight in the strength of a horse; he takes no pleasure in the legs of a man. 11 The Lord takes pleasure in his worshippers, and in those whose hope is in his mercy.
12 Give praise to the Lord, O Jerusalem; give praise to your God, O Zion. 13 He has made strong the iron bands of your doors; he has sent blessings on your children inside your walls. 14 He gives peace in all your land, making your stores full of fat grain. 15 He sends out his orders to the earth; his word goes out quickly. 16 He gives snow like wool; he sends out ice-drops like dust. 17 He sends down ice like raindrops: water is made hard by his cold. 18 At the outgoing of his word, the ice is turned to water; when he sends out his wind, there is a flowing of waters. 19 He makes his word clear to Jacob, teaching Israel his laws and his decisions. 20 He has not done these things for any other nation: and as for his laws, they have no knowledge of them. Let the Lord be praised.
151 Now I am going to make clear to you, my brothers, what the good news was which I gave to you, and which you took, and on which your faith is based, 2 By which you have salvation; that is to say, the form in which it was given to you, if it is fixed in your minds, and if your faith in it is not without effect. 3 For I gave to you first of all what was handed down to me, how Christ underwent death for our sins, as it says in the Writings; 4 And he was put in the place of the dead; and on the third day he came back from the dead, as it says in the Writings; 5 And he was seen by Cephas; then by the twelve; 6 Then by more than five hundred brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, but some are sleeping; 7 Then he was seen by James; then by all the Apostles. 8 And last of all, as by one whose birth was out of the right time, he was seen by me. 9 For I am the least of the Apostles, having no right to be named an Apostle, because of my cruel attacks on the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God, I am what I am: and his grace which was given to me has not been for nothing; for I did more work than all of them; though not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 11 If then it is I who am the preacher, or they, this is our word, and to this you have given your faith.
12 Now if the good news says that Christ came back from the dead, how do some of you say that there is no coming back from the dead? 13 But if there is no coming back from the dead, then Christ has not come back from the dead: 14 And if Christ did not come again from the dead, then our good news and your faith in it are of no effect. 15 Yes, and we are seen to be false witnesses of God; because we gave witness of God that by his power Christ came again from the dead: which is not true if there is no coming back from the dead. 16 For if it is not possible for the dead to come to life again, then Christ has not come to life again: 17 And if that is so, your faith is of no effect; you are still in your sins. 18 And, in addition, the dead in Christ have gone to destruction. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most unhappy.
20 But now Christ has truly come back from the dead, the first-fruits of those who are sleeping. 21 For as by man came death, so by man there is a coming back from the dead. 22 For as in Adam death comes to all, so in Christ will all come back to life. 23 But every man in his right order: Christ the first-fruits; then those who are Christ's at his coming. 24 Then comes the end, when he will give up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he will have put an end to all rule and to all authority and power. 25 For his rule will go on till he has put all those who are against him under his feet. 26 The last power to come to an end is death. 27 For, as it says, He has put all things under his feet. But when he says, All things are put under him, it is clear that it is not said about him who put all things under him. 28 And when all things have been put under him, then will the Son himself be under him who put all things under him, so that God may be all in all.
(Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11)
The word resurrection, usually points out our existence beyond the grave. Of the apostle's doctrine not a trace can be found in all the teaching of philosophers. The doctrine of Christ's death and resurrection, is the foundation of Christianity. Remove this, and all our hopes for eternity sink at once. And it is by holding this truth firm, that Christians stand in the day of trial, and are kept faithful to God. We believe in vain, unless we keep in the faith of the gospel. This truth is confirmed by Old Testament prophecies; and many saw Christ after he was risen. This apostle was highly favoured, but he always had a low opinion of himself, and expressed it. When sinners are, by Divine grace, turned into saints, God causes the remembrance of former sins to make them humble, diligent, and faithful. He ascribes to Divine grace all that was valuable in him. True believers, though not ignorant of what the Lord has done for, in, and by them, yet when they look at their whole conduct and their obligations, they are led to feel that none are so worthless as they are. All true Christians believe that Jesus Christ, and him crucified, and then risen from the dead, is the sun and substance of Christianity. All the apostles agreed in this testimony; by this faith they lived, and in this faith they died.
(Read 1 Corinthians 15:12-19)
Having shown that Christ was risen, the apostle answers those who said there would be no resurrection. There had been no justification, or salvation, if Christ had not risen. And must not faith in Christ be vain, and of no use, if he is still among the dead? The proof of the resurrection of the body is the resurrection of our Lord. Even those who died in the faith, had perished in their sins, if Christ had not risen. All who believe in Christ, have hope in him, as a Redeemer; hope for redemption and salvation by him; but if there is no resurrection, or future recompence, their hope in him can only be as to this life. And they must be in a worse condition than the rest of mankind, especially at the time, and under the circumstances, in which the apostles wrote; for then Christians were hated and persecuted by all men. But it is not so; they, of all men, enjoy solid comforts amidst all their difficulties and trials, even in the times of the sharpest persecution.
(Read 1 Corinthians 15:20-34)
All that are by faith united to Christ, are by his resurrection assured of their own. As through the sin of the first Adam, all men became mortal, because all had from him the same sinful nature, so, through the resurrection of Christ, shall all who are made to partake of the Spirit, and the spiritual nature, revive, and live for ever. There will be an order in the resurrection. Christ himself has been the first-fruits; at his coming, his redeemed people will be raised before others; at the last the wicked will rise also. Then will be the end of this present state of things. Would we triumph in that solemn and important season, we must now submit to his rule, accept his salvation, and live to his glory. Then shall we rejoice in the completion of his undertaking, that God may receive the whole glory of our salvation, that we may for ever serve him, and enjoy his favour. What shall those do, who are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Perhaps baptism is used here in a figure, for afflictions, sufferings, and martyrdom, as Matthew 20:22,23. What is, or will become of those who have suffered many and great injuries, and have even lost their lives, for this doctrine of the resurrection, if the dead rise not at all? Whatever the meaning may be, doubtless the apostle's argument was understood by the Corinthians. And it is as plain to us that Christianity would be a foolish profession, if it proposed advantage to themselves by their faithfulness to God; and to have our fruit to holiness, that our end may be everlasting life. But we must not live like beasts, as we do not die like them. It must be ignorance of God that leads any to disbelieve the resurrection and future life. Those who own a God and a providence, and observe how unequal things are in the present life, how frequently the best men fare worst, cannot doubt as to an after-state, where every thing will be set to rights. Let us not be joined with ungodly men; but warn all around us, especially children and young persons, to shun them as a pestilence. Let us awake to righteousness, and not sin.