Is God Calling You to a New Job? - Moments of Hope Devotional - August 12, 2019

Is God Calling You to a New Job?
by David Chadwick

Most Americans move to several different jobs over the course of a career. The average American worker makes 12 changes in a lifetime. That’s a lot of change!

What does this mean for Christians who believe that work is not just a job but a call from God? And if you believe God is calling you to another place, how do you know for sure that it’s him calling you?

In my experience, there is always a call to and a call from.

What is a call to? It’s a new vocational opportunity. Someone has contacted you about it. Or you have applied for a new position. A door is opening for you. You sense a grand chance for a fresh start and you’re excited about it.

Is this all that is needed for you to accept a new vocation – the call to?

I don’t think so. There is another factor that should also be present.

It’s the call from.

What is a call from? You sense the work at your present job is completed. You’ve done what you were called to do. That part of your life feels finished. You have an impression that God is releasing you to move forward.

Is God calling you to a new job? If so, there is most often a call to and a call from.

When both are present, move ahead with confidence. I’d guess God is calling you to a new adventure.

And enjoy the journey! The Lord will be with you.

Just make sure you always glorify him – no matter where he calls you.

Transform your perspective on work!

Don’t miss your chance to get David Chadwick’s inspiring series On the Job as our thank-you for your gift to share hope with more people!

Most of us go to work merely because we have to. But when you work as for the Lord, everything changes.

In this four-part audio series, you’ll discover:

  • How your identity in Christ empowers you at work
  • How you can turn work into a Christ-centered mission
  • How you can practically practice your faith at work
  • How you can find that ever-elusive work-life balance

This offer ends on August 31, so don’t wait. Click the link to request your download today! Your support helps more people find the transformative voice of Jesus in our noisy culture. Thank you for your partnership!

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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / Is God Calling You to a New Job? - Moments of Hope Devotional - August 12, 2019