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A Friend Does Not Remain Silent - Moments of Hope Devotional - May 20, 2019

A Friend Does Not Remain Silent
By David Chadwick

Martin Luther King once said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

He is correct. The words of enemies may sting a bit. But they usually don’t overcome us. They sting for a moment, but don’t last.

How different it is with the silence of our friends. When someone obviously hurts or misuses us, and our supposed friends remain silent, it hurts like no other time. We stand confused, wondering if they are our true friends.

Make sure today that you stand next to a friend who has been wrongly accused and hurt. Make sure your words and actions speak loudly of your support for him.

In so doing, you nurture his soul. You help heal his heart.

And you remain a faithful friend.

And we all need faithful friends on this life’s journey.

Live in-tune with the heartbeat of God!

God might have blessed all Christians with grace, but sin still affects our lives.

It steals our happiness and keeps us from experiencing fullness and meaning that Jesus intended us to enjoy.

We want you to live a righteous, fulfilling life that’s aligned with the heartbeat of God—so you don’t have to live another moment in the miserable pitfalls of sin. That’s why we want to send you David Chadwick’s CD series, Heart Beats, as our thanks for your gift below to reach others with the hope of Jesus Christ.

This insightful series offers biblical perspectives on subjects such as...

  • Worthlessness & Shame
  • Disappointment
  • Loneliness
  • Parenting
  • And more!

So, give and get your copy of Heart Beats today! And, thank you for your partnership to give the lost and the lonely a reason for hope.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / A Friend Does Not Remain Silent - Moments of Hope Devotional - May 20, 2019