Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of June 9


God Knows…When My Life’s a Struggle – Part 2

When Jesus turned 12, Joseph and Mary took Him with them to attend the Passover in Jerusalem. Passover was held in springtime, so it was a beautiful time for the trip. Large groups of people traveled together. Walking, it took several days.

How interested Jesus must have been to see the Temple and watch the impressive services. Each day the significance of the services became clearer. Little by little He began to realize His part in God’s great plan to save sinners. Perhaps seeing the lamb offered on the altar of sacrifice unlocked the mystery of His mission.

Jesus didn’t stay next to His parents all the time they were in Jerusalem. In fact, when Mary and Joseph started the trip back home with a large group headed north, they left Him behind! They assumed He was somewhere in the crowd. When night came, they finally realized He wasn’t with them. Frightened, they hurried back to Jerusalem. Was their son okay? On the third day of anxious search, they found Him—at the Temple school.

Here Jesus had been—listening to the rabbi teachers. Early on, He asked a respectful question. Before long the teachers were asking HIM questions, amazed at His answers. Jesus was teaching them Scripture truths they had never thought about before.

“Son!” exclaimed Mary. “Your father and I have been so worried about you. Why have you done this to us?”

“Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” Jesus responded. Though Mary had referred to His father, Joseph, Jesus was speaking of His Father, God.

From Jerusalem Jesus returned home with His parents. He continued to respect and help them. In the carpenter shop, He showed Himself faithful in small tasks. He approached every aspect of his life with the highest integrity. This prepared him to take on the greatest task in the whole world.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Adventures through the Holy Bible / Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of June 9