Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of July 7


God Knows…When My Faith is Shaky – Part 3   

One day, Jesus was preaching in the synagogue at Capernaum. A terrible shriek interrupted him. Everyone turned to see what caused the commotion. A madman, his eyes glaring with the fire of insanity, rushed forward, shouting, “Let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did You come to destroy us? I know who You are—the Holy One of God!” (Luke 4:34).

Christ heard the man’s inner call for help. Speaking with authority, the Savior set the captive free: “Be quiet, and come out of him!” Now, his eyes beaming with intelligence and overflowing with thankful tears, the man praised God for his freedom. Everyone who observed this was amazed. They exclaimed, “What a word this is! For with authority and power He commands the unclean spirits, and they come out.”

Jesus’ authority was something new to the people. Their religious leaders depended on the traditions and teachings of others: “So and so said that…” “It’s our custom that…” But when Jesus spoke He was the absolute authority, the one who knew, the expert.

Faith Grows

Where does faith come from? How can we help it grow?

Faith is the hand that reaches out to take hold of God’s help. Paul wrote: “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Faith is taking God at His word. So the more we learn of God’s Word, His promises, His action in the past, the more our faith will grow. God’s Word is the surest thing in the universe. In it we learn that He loves us, that He knows better than we do what is for our good. We learn that He made us and that He is present with us. In God’s Word is plenty of evidence for our faith.

If we exercise our arm of faith, nourish it with the Word of God, it will not be a flimsy, shaky arm. It will not be weakened by the disease of doubt. With this arm, we can take hold of God’s promises, His power, His love, His gift of salvation. Anyone who trusts the Word of God can—“do all things through Christ” (Philippians 4:13). At every step, He says, “I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand…Fear not, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13).

Where to find the story: Mark 1, and Luke 4

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Christianity / Devotionals / Adventures through the Holy Bible / Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of July 7