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Ascended Mountain - God's Love at Work - Week of April 4

Ascended Mountain 

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of April 4, 2021

Friends, we serve a resurrected, ascended, seated, and glorified Christ, who constantly intercedes for us from Heaven and is with us on earth in Spirit to empower us.

Who could ask for more?

The same Christ who makes Himself known to us and instructs us in our valleys is the same Christ who meets us on the mountaintop to set us above our enemies.

It’s where God, as Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, brings us to the end of our suffering and lifts us overcomers to a new beginning as His strong leaders.

It’s where God’s provision of refreshing, understanding, and strategy meets His faithful climbers to bring rest, definition, and expansion (John 15:5).

It’s a vantage point as God sees and releases His fresh vision and new wine to us. 

A pinnacle of truth, where our souls align even more with His reality of reconciliation.

A place to know Him beyond tombs of darkness and to begin new Kingdom work in His glorious light (Ps 97:11 TPT). 

And it can draw an army.

It did for Jesus.

They were called His disciples and apostles.


His forgiven ones. 


Made even stronger in Him as they devoted themselves to Jesus for worship that included faithful actions of service.

Matthew 5:1 AMPC reveals that Jesus, "SEEING THE crowds…went up on the mountain; and when He was seated, His disciples came to Him."

They seemed to understand the song of ascent in Psalm 121:1-2 TPT, which say, "I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help. But then I realize that our true help and protection is only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth."

Jesus helped His disciples ascend to help others ascend—by walking out the Great Commission empowered by Holy Spirit, as He instructed them after His resurrection (Acts 1:1-10, Matt 28:18-20, Judges 4:9-10).

Acts 1:2-3 TPT reveal that "Just before he ascended into heaven, Jesus left instructions through the Holy Spirit for the apostles he had chosen. After the sufferings of his cross, Jesus appeared alive many times to these same apostles over a forty-day period, proving to them with many convincing signs that he had been resurrected. During these encounters, he taught them the truths of God’s kingdom."

A study note for Acts 1:3 in the TPT Bible says, "Spiritual fruit and power" are the signs to the world that we have been spiritually resurrected.

Therefore, it’s important that we are progressively active in our faith, like the apostles and even like Deborah, who once sat and ruled as a judge, then sent Word for others to march into battle, then got up and went with an army herself to fight from victory (Judges 4:5-6, 10).

So, friends, "Who, then, is allowed to ascend the mountain of Yahweh? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place" (Ps 24:3 TPT)?

The truth is God’s born-again believers, whose confidence is in God because of the finished, gracious work of our Lord Jesus. By His powerful grace from on high and from within, we can live out our redemption process beyond resurrection life into an ascended life, just like Jesus and His leaders. 

The way there is to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and His truths as commands for life, as we trust and obey them.

To live an ascended life with Christ is for our benefit and the benefit of His Kingdom-at-large because He can be in more places than one by His Glorified Holy Spirit in us as we devote ourselves to serving Him.

1 Timothy 3:16 TPT tells us, "For the mystery of righteousness is beyond all question! He was revealed as a human being, and as our great High Priest in the Spirit! Angels gazed upon him as a man and the glorious message of his kingly rulership is being preached to the nations! Many have believed in him and he has been taken back to heaven and has ascended into the place of exalted glory in the heavenly realm. Yes, great is this mystery of righteousness!"

In Matthew 13:11-12 TPT Jesus explained, "You’ve been given the intimate experience of insight into the hidden mysteries of the realm of heaven’s kingdom...For whoever has [spiritual knowledge], to him will more be given and he will be furnished richly so that he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away."

So, friends, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for dying on the cross for me. Thank You for Your resurrection and ascended life. Thank You for the promise of Your second coming (Acts 1:11). Thank You for Your Holy Spirit inside of me. Help me to serve you honorably as I devote my life to You. I trust You, the Name above all Names, to lead me to lead others. Show me the way, Lord. 

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


Friends, may we always remember that our "…help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth" (Ps 121:1-2 AMPC) as we co-labor, rule, and reign with Him.

And now I pray "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints" (Eph 1:17-18 NKJV).

To God be the glory.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.


Christianity / Devotionals / God's Love at Work / Ascended Mountain - God's Love at Work - Week of April 4