How Do We Prepare Ourselves for Spiritual Struggles?

Christians can always call to God for help. A substantial number of our spiritual struggles can be avoided or taken care of more effectively by looking to God for direction and guidance in all that we do.

Contributing Writer
Published Mar 07, 2022
How Do We Prepare Ourselves for Spiritual Struggles?

In chapter one, we see God’s charge to Joshua and how Joshua readies the people to enter the Promised Land. In chapter two, we learn how Rahab safeguards the spies. In chapter three, the children of Israel cross the Jordan River.

In chapter four, the people assemble a monument to God. In chapter five, the nation of Israel reaffirms its obligation to God and Joshua meets a holy messenger. Presently in chapter six, we learn of the tale regarding the walls of Jericho falling down.

The city of Jericho, assembled millennia before Joshua was conceived, was probably the most seasoned (oldest) city on the planet. In certain spots, its strengthened walls were up to 25-feet high and 20-feet thick.

Soldiers that were standing watch on top of the walls could see for a significant distance. Jericho was an image of military strength and power, and the Canaanites considered it invulnerable.

Israel would assault this city first, and its annihilation would place the apprehension about Israel into the core of each individual in Canaan. The Canaanites saw Israel's God as a nature god since he separated the Jordan and as a conflict god since he crushed Sihon and Og.

Yet, the Canaanites did not think of him as a fortress god, one who could beat a walled city. The loss of Jericho showed not just that Israel's God was better than the Canaanite divine beings, yet additionally that he was also invulnerable (Joshua 5:1).

God revealed to Joshua that Jericho was surrendered to his hand and that the adversary was already crushed, they just did not know it. Christians likewise battle against a crushed foe.

What Are Spiritual Struggles?

Our adversary, Satan, has been crushed by Christ (Romans 8:37-39; Hebrews 2:14-15; 1 John 3:8). Despite the fact that we face conflicts and our sin can spin out of control, we have the confirmation that the conflict has as of now been won!

We do not need to be deadened by the force of a crushed foe; we can defeat him through Christ (Deuteronomy 7:24; Joshua 10:8).

For what reason did the Lord give Joshua these confounded guidelines for the fight? A few responses are conceivable. First, God was making obvious that the fight would rely upon him and not upon Israel's weapons or aptitude.

For this reason, the priests that were carrying the ark, not the warriors, drove the Israelites into the fight. Second, God's techniques for taking the city emphasized the fear previously felt in Jericho (Joshua 2:9).

Third, this odd military move was a trial of the Israelite's confidence and their ability to totally follow God (Leviticus 25:9; Joshua 1:10; Joshua 3:2).

It, more likely than not, appeared to be bizarre to the Israelites that, rather than heading off into war, they planned to walk around the city for a whole week. In any case, this was God's arrangement, and the Israelites had a dependable triumph if they would only follow it (Joshua 6:2).

As odd as the arrangement sounded, it worked. God's directions might expect us to do things that do not appear to be legit from the outset. Indeed, even as we follow him, we might think about how things might turn out.

Like the Israelites, we should take each day in turn and follow bi- by-bit. We may not see the rationale of God's arrangement until after we have obeyed him (Deuteronomy 20:16-17; Hebrews 11:30).

For what reason did God request that the Israelites annihilate everybody and everything in Jericho? He was completing serious judgment against the underhandedness of the Canaanites.

This judgment, or “prohibition,” normally expected that everything should be obliterated (Deuteronomy 12:2-3 and 13:12-18). Due to their shrewd practices and extraordinary excessive idolatry, the Canaanites were a fortification of resistance to God.

This danger to the blessed living that God required of his children must be eliminated. If not, it would influence all of Israel like a malignant development (cancer). A couple of individuals and a few things in Jericho were not obliterated, however, this was a unique case.

Rahab and her family were saved on the grounds that she had faith in God and in light of the fact that she had helped the Israelite spies.

The silver and gold were kept, not to make the people richer, however, to enhance the Tabernacle and the services held (Numbers 31:22-23).

God's motivation in all of this was to keep individuals' confidence and religious practices unblemished. He did not want the plunder to help the Israelites to remember the Canaanite rituals.

God wants virtue in every one of us also. He wants us to reflect him when we start our new life with him. We should not let the longing for individual attainment divert us from our spiritual objective.

We should likewise dismiss any items that celebrate a daily routine experienced in resistance to God. When preparing for battle, we are to do the following six things.

1. Plan and Prepare

We need to study the enemy’s weaknesses and strengths. We need to study the battlefield, look for mines (things hidden), the contour of the land, the front lines, and look at past battles (1 Corinthians 10:13).

We need to gather supplies (tools, equipment, water, food, clothes, soldiers, leaders, instructors) and die to self and sin (Ephesians 6:10-18; 1 Corinthians 15:31).

2. Practice and Power

We are to continually train ourselves through teaching, instructing, including small and large training exercises (Proverbs 22:6).

We increase in power when we remember that the Lord is the strength of our lives (Psalms 27:1).

3. Always Pray

We are not able to spend our lives totally on our knees in prayer, but we can have a continued attitude of prayer. That is when we acknowledge our dependence upon God.

Frequent, short, meaningful prayers are useful but should not keep us from our actual prayer time (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Ephesians 6:18).

4. Stand and Fight

An interesting fact about the “full armor of God” is that they are intended to help Christians “so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11).

Paul tells Timothy to “fight the good fight of faith,” which closely resembles “I have fought a good fight” (1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7). Paul's utilization of a similitude of our profound fighting as a bout is actually to be expected.

He likewise talked about the Christian confidence as an enclosing match or battle in 1 Corinthians 9:26, “fight like a boxer beating the air,” referring to shadowboxing.

5. Run as Necessary

To win a race requires discipline and a purpose. Paul utilized this outline to clarify that the Christian life takes challenging work, discipline, and overwhelming planning. As Christians, we are running toward our wonderful prize.

The fundamental disciplines of Bible reading, worship, and prayer furnish us to run with power and endurance.

We are not to simply watch from the cheap seats or to simply run a few laps every morning. We must prepare persistently because our spiritual development relies on it (1 Corinthians 9:24-26; Hebrews 12:1).

6. We Seek Cover

We regularly run toward God when we experience challenges. In any case, David consistently looked for God's direction and presence. Whenever inconveniences came to him, he was within the sight of God and was ready to deal with any test.

Christians can call to God for help whenever, not just when inconveniences come. A substantial number of our spiritual struggles can be avoided or taken care of undeniably more effectively by looking for God's direction and guidance ahead of time (Psalms 27:5; Psalms 32:7; Psalms 119:114).

For further reading:

What Is Spiritual Warfare?

Why Do We Forget Our Struggle Is Not Against Flesh and Blood?

How Can There Be Beauty in Spiritual Lows?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/chaiyapruek2520

Chris SwansonChris Swanson answered the call into the ministry over 20 years ago. He has served as a Sunday School teacher, a youth director along with his wife, a music director, an associate pastor, and an interim pastor. He is a retired Navy Chief Hospital Corpsman with over 30 years of combined active and reserve service. You can contact Chris here, and check out his work here.


Christianity / Life / Christian Life / How Do We Prepare Ourselves for Spiritual Struggles?