The Weekly Focal Point - January 14, 2021

Bible Study

Second Timothy 2:15 records God’s call to “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” This well-needed reminder shows us that accurately assessing God’s direction from the Bible won’t always be easy. It is open to shameful mishandling. It will require our best efforts. It will often feel like hard work. But the good news is the payoff is always well worth the effort.

Proverbs tells us that mining God’s words will be like extracting silver and taking possession of a once hidden treasure (2:1-7). The result of thoughtful, diligent and sound Bible study will end up being for you “sweeter than honey” and “more precious than gold” (Ps.19:10). So don’t believe the myth that acquiring God’s mind on the issues of your life will only require a few snippets of time and effort. Instead, get excited about rolling up your sleeves and pulling up a chair to fully engage your faculties in the rewarding work of biblical research.

--Pastor Mike

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Christianity / Devotionals / The Weekly Focal Point / The Weekly Focal Point - January 14, 2021