A Daily Word - December 18

December 18

“… do you say of Him, whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, ' I am the Son of God'? - John 10:36

Jesus, the Son, promises us sonship. Jesus is the “only begotten” of the Father, meaning He is the only one dressed in human flesh who was directly sired by the Father. Yet Jesus Christ is fully God, eternal with the Father. Because He is the only Son, all the Father’s treasures belong to Him. When Jesus brings us into His sonship, we are one with Him, and, therefore, heirs to all the promises given to the Son of God. It is as if you could be merged into being Bill Gates’ only child, and heir to all his fortune.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Today's Devotionals / A Daily Word - December 18