What Every Child Needs - Moments of Hope Devotional - June 27, 2019

What Every Child Needs
By David Chadwick

Dad attended practically every one of my high school basketball games. He wrote them faithfully onto his calendar like any other appointment. These commitments couldn’t be altered.

Throughout the game, I would look into the stands to find him. Our eyes would meet. Then he would give me a raised fist as encouragement.

Later in life, after I had finished my basketball career, I asked Dad why he did this. “Son, I just knew that kids spell love T-I-M-E.”

Dad knew that children don’t necessarily want their parents’ presents, but their presence. They don’t want their parents’ approval by purchasing things, but their parents’ approval by being there and giving a raised fist of encouragement.

A parent’s giving of his or her time shows love to the children.

It’s what every child needs the most from mom and dad.

Live in-tune with the heartbeat of God!

Right now, your gift will go twice as far when paired with a $10,000 Challenge Grant to help reach a $20,000 goal that will change lives.

And to thank you for your gift today, we’ll send you David Chadwick’s book, My Father, My Friend: Lessons on Life and Love.

You’ll find time-tested wisdom passed down from David’s father about marriage, parenting, relationships, personal counsel, and faith.

At a time when being a good dad isn’t easy, it will help you (or someone you love) tackle questions like:

  • What’s the right way to live life?
  • How can I be a great husband, even when times are hard?
  • Is there some way to get my kids to listen to me?

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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / What Every Child Needs - Moments of Hope Devotional - June 27, 2019