Two Points of Advice - Moments of Hope Devotional - August 9, 2019

Two Points of Advice
by David Chadwick

Would you like two points of advice from the apostle Paul on how to work? If so, he gave them in Colossians 3:22 (ESV translation).

First, he said that you shouldn’t work for the purpose of “eye-service.” This means that you work hard only when the boss is watching. A person of integrity is the same when no one is looking. You work hard whether or not your boss is watching.

Next, Paul said that you shouldn’t work for the purpose of “people-pleasing.” This is similar to eye-service. When people-pleasing is your motivation, you work mainly to impress others. When this happens, you may find yourself regularly tempted to do something unethical or illegal.

Both motivations of eye-service and people-pleasing are dangerous. Why? People make lousy gods. They can never be pleased and are relentless in their criticisms. Has anyone ever erected a statue to a critic? Of course not.

If you work trying to garner other people’s praises, you will end up exhausted and eventually give up. Your soul will wither. It’s an impossible task.

That’s why Paul adjured all of us to work solely for the Lord. If you love Jesus, you are already approved by him. His acceptance is unconditional. You will never be more loved, appreciated, and accepted than you are right now.

When you know this truth, you feel freedom and fulfillment in work for the Lord. Ironically, you will still work very hard – perhaps even harder than you’ve ever worked.

But your desire is to please him and him alone.

Which frees you from the dangers of eye-service and people-pleasing.

What a wonderful feeling that is!

Transform your perspective on work!

Don’t miss your chance to get David Chadwick’s inspiring series On the Job as our thank-you for your gift to share hope with more people!

Most of us go to work merely because we have to. But when you work as for the Lord, everything changes.

In this four-part audio series, you’ll discover:

  • How your identity in Christ empowers you at work
  • How you can turn work into a Christ-centered mission
  • How you can practically practice your faith at work
  • How you can find that ever-elusive work-life balance

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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / Two Points of Advice - Moments of Hope Devotional - August 9, 2019