Reclaiming Honor - Moments of Hope Devotional - July 1, 2019

Reclaiming Honor
By David Chadwick

The word honor has become missing in action in the English vocabulary. Oh, yes, there is “honor among thieves.” The Boy Scouts still begin their pledge with, “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty.”Some schools still emphasize an honor code. But in reality, the word honor isn’t much talked about today.

What does honor mean? It says something is priceless, or of extraordinary value.

I think it’s time to reclaim honor – especially in marriage.

The following is a clear teaching on honor from the Bible: A husband should honor his wife (1 Peter 3:7).

In this verse, Peter says that the wife is to be treated as a “weaker vessel.” I don’t think Peter is using this phrase to express inferiority at all, but rather is describing a fineand priceless piece of pottery, like porcelain.

In the New Testament, the Greek word translated “honor” is timean. It means to prize, esteem, value, or respect someone.

Husbands, is this how you treat your wife? Do you honor her in every possible way?

If husbands would reclaim the word honor in marriage, marriages would become much stronger.

And we husbands would be able to cry out with Solomon, “A man’s greatest treasure is his wife” (Proverbs 18:22 CEV).

Discover God’s path to a better marriage

A key to making your marriage the best it can be isn’t a secret. God commands spouses to give honor to one another – and blesses them for doing so!

David Chadwick and his wife, Marilynn, unpack the biblical meaning of honor in these two special books, Eight Great Ways to Honor Your Husband and Eight Great Ways to Honor Your Wife.

You’ll find humor, humility and a passion for Christ that will inspire you to love your spouse in new ways that:

  • Reignite the “spark” you remember
  • Deepen trust and the intimacy you long for
  • Connect you to God’s original and joy-filled intent for marriage

Both books are our way of saying thanks for your gift below to help share Jesus and the life-changing new perspective He gives.

Thank you so much for your support today – and may you find new reason for hope as He helps you improve your marriage!

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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / Reclaiming Honor - Moments of Hope Devotional - July 1, 2019