If Jesus Is Your Boss… - Moments of Hope Devotional - August 7, 2019

If Jesus Is Your Boss…
by David Chadwick

When you go to work, realize that Jesus is your boss. You work for him, not man (Colossians 3:23).

Therefore, your highest desire should be to please him alone. He is your true employer.

You are a missionary to your workplace. Your mission field is between your feet. Wherever you are during your workday is exactly where God has called you to be. You are his representative to those around you. When you serve those in your sphere of influence, you are serving him.

More practically, here are a few suggestions on how you can approach your day as Jesus’s ambassador in your workplace (2 Corinthians 5:20).

First, begin your day with prayer. Ask the Father to use you to serve others. Lay out before him all your coworkers. Picture them in your mind. Request of him to reveal whom you should serve. Listen to his promptings. Then pray specifically for these people.

Next, when you arrive, warmly greet all those around you. Smile. Everyone loves a warm hello and a big smile.

Then respond to the Lord’s promptings about whom you should serve. Is it a note of encouragement? Ask questions like, “Are you okay? Is there anything I can pray for?” Most everyone is burdened. Even if they don’t believe in God, few will be offended when you warmly offer to pray for them.

Just say to the Lord, “Here I am. You’re my boss. I belong to you. Use me today to serve someone else.”

Jesus loves that kind of prayer of availability. He will use you if you pray it.

And your workplace will become your mission field – something Jesus, as your boss, greatly desires.

Transform your perspective on work!

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Most of us go to work merely because we have to. But when you work as for the Lord, everything changes.

In this four-part audio series, you’ll discover:

  • How your identity in Christ empowers you at work
  • How you can turn work into a Christ-centered mission
  • How you can practically practice your faith at work
  • How you can find that ever-elusive work-life balance

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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / If Jesus Is Your Boss… - Moments of Hope Devotional - August 7, 2019