Dad’s Two Rules for Dating - Moments of Hope Devotional - June 26, 2019

Dad’s Two Rules for Dating
By David Chadwick

Dad said that he trusted me when I went on a date. He just didn’t trust my hormones!

That’s why he gave me two rules for dating. At first, I thought them out of date. Now I see how wise they are.

First, when with a girl on a date, always be vertical, never horizontal. In other words, don’t ever lie down with your date. It invites danger.

Second, nothing below the neck. Dad was okay with kissing. Holding hands was acceptable. But no kissing and touching could happen below the neck.

“If you follow these two rules of dating,” Dad would say, “then you will never get into trouble. And you’ll honor God.”

An anachronistic teaching? Too old-fashioned?

I don’t think so. In our hyper-sexualized society, they are two simple and clear ways to maintain the biblical call to sexual purity (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8).

And when properly followed, they allow a couple to build their relationship on friendship, not hormones.

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  • How can I be a great husband, even when times are hard?
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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / Dad’s Two Rules for Dating - Moments of Hope Devotional - June 26, 2019