Believe the Best in Others - Moments of Hope Devotional - August 18, 2019

Believe the Best in Others
By David Chadwick

Teams need to be unified to win. If one part is disloyal, the team can’t win. A hand cannot fight effectively with separated fingers. But when all fingers and the thumb are balled together in unity, the fight can be won.

Most likely, you participate on a team at work. You are a part of a larger group trying to work together to succeed in a competitive environment. You need each other to win.

Therefore, be on the guard for division. In fact, the biblical term devil means “divider.” The devil loves to divide friendships, marriages, and nations. Once divided, he can attack with little resistance and destroy.

Obviously, the opposite of division is unity. If you want the enemy’s wiles to be defeated in your workplace, watch for division. And…

Believe the best in others. Division occurs when the evil one places a doubt in your mind about someone. It may even be baseless. There may be nothing to it.

Yet once it gets into your mind, you begin to wonder about the other. The doubt grows to criticism. And when criticism spreads, division is the result.

Fight division at all costs. Be on the alert. Watch out for the enemy who desires to tempt, create doubt, and divide. Until proven differently, believe the best in others. Unless you have clear evidence to the contrary, believe the best in others.

This perspective creates health in your heart and mind. And it assures unity on your team.

For united you will stand together and have the best chance for success.

And divided you will most likely fall.

Winning is much more fun than losing, isn’t it?

Transform your perspective on work!

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  • How your identity in Christ empowers you at work
  • How you can turn work into a Christ-centered mission
  • How you can practically practice your faith at work
  • How you can find that ever-elusive work-life balance

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Christianity / Devotionals / Moments of Hope Devotional / Believe the Best in Others - Moments of Hope Devotional - August 18, 2019