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Living Free - Sept. 4, 2012

Living Free Every Day®

Impaired Thinking

Today's Scripture

"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (Romans 12:2 NLT)

Thoughts for Today

Out of control behavior is called an addiction. Some people use this word as an excuse to avoid responsibility. However, bondage to a habit does not excuse our personal responsibility for our actions. When we refer to someone as a sex addict, we mean he or she is so absorbed by out-of-control sexual behavior that life is unmanageable.

In his book, Contrary to Love, Dr. Patrick Carnes identifies a typical cycle of behavior through which sexually addicted individuals go. This cycle begins with a belief system we use to determine what is right and wrong and evaluate our thoughts and actions. We use this framework to make decisions and live our lives.

Consider this … 

A healthy belief system judges what is right and wrong in view of the Scriptures, but a faulty belief system has no true moral anchor. An addicted person's belief system is self-centered and produces a life that dishonors God, disgraces self, and disrespects others. Sexually addicted people believe sex is their most important need, and this belief influences the choices they make.

This faulty belief system leads to impaired thinking. As people deny certain actions are wrong, they become more deluded and confused. They ignore the mounting consequences of sinful behaviors and refuse to change even though the pain resulting from their sinful lifestyle constantly increases. They rationalize sin and blame others.

When people reach this point, the situation may seem hopeless. But today's scripture urges us to let God transform us into a new person by changing the way we think. Only then can we escape our impaired thinking and know and follow God's truth and his good plan for us.


Father, I know I have fallen into impaired thinking in some areas of my life. Help me focus on you and the truth of your Word. In Jesus' name . . .

These thoughts were drawn from …

Crossroads: Choosing the Road to Sexual Purity by David E. Longacre. Crossroads deals with choosing the road to sexual purity and is suggested for use in support groups and Christian counseling. 

  • Describes the sexual addiction process
  • Shows how the sin of proximity often precedes sexual sins
  • Shows the way out of sexual addiction
  • Presents biblical insights to help a person break free and stay free
  • Gives practical actions for renewing the mind
  • Serves as a powerful evangelistic tool by providing a way to minister to people's felt needs and then pointing them to Christ
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Christianity / Devotionals / Living Free Every Day / Living Free - Sept. 4, 2012