Three Ways Sin Will Destroy Your Life - Greg Laurie Daily Devotion - February 14

Sin blinds you. Sin finds you. And sin grinds you.

Thursday, February 14, 2019
Three Ways Sin Will Destroy Your Life

But if you do not do so, then take note, you have sinned against the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out. (Numbers 32:23 NKJV)

When people get caught up in sin, they think everyone is against them. “No one understands,” they say. “Everyone’s judging me. You don’t get it. I’m different.”

No, you’re not different. We’re all vulnerable. And we all are capable of doing foolish things. We have to know that about ourselves. We can come under the sway and influence and intoxicating effects of sin if we’re not careful.

That is what happened to Samson. He thought he could shake himself free of his enemies, just as he had done on other occasions. Instead, the Philistines took Samson, gouged out his eyes, bound him with bronze chains, and made him grind grain in the prison. Sin blinds you. Sin finds you. And sin grinds you.

First it blinds you. You end up doing irrational things. Men walk away from their wives and children who love them to go have some stupid fling. Women abandon their families to go “find” themselves. Sin blinds you to the truth. It seems so appealing at first, but then suddenly you realize that you’re trapped.

That’s when sin finds you. The Bible says, “And be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23 NKJV). You may be getting away with something right now, but it will catch up with you sooner or later.

The Bible speaks of “the passing pleasures of sin” (Hebrews 11:25 NKJV). It’s passing . . . for a season . . . for a time. And then sin grinds you. The repercussions, like a ton of bricks, come crashing down on you: broken families, betrayed trust, a damaged witness and reputation, and devastated children with deep wounds, which they may carry for the rest of their lives.

Sin blinds you, sin finds you, and sin grinds you—that’s what sin can do.

Copyright © 2018 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Greg Laurie Daily Devotions / Three Ways Sin Will Destroy Your Life - Greg Laurie Daily Devotion - February 14