Let Go - Girlfriends in God - May 31, 2021

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May 31, 2021
Let Go
Suzanne Eller

Today’s Truth
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31 NLT). 

Friend to Friend
For years I was deathly afraid of heights. My heart went into overdrive. I felt faint. When I found myself in a high place, I ended up pressed against a wall or sitting down with my eyes closed.

A few years ago, my son gave me a birthday gift. It was two passes to a zipline park. When I opened the gift he said, “Mom, you are one of the most adventurous people I know. I know that you are afraid of heights, but I want to do this with you.”

When we arrived at the park, my heart started beating fast. I had hoped the zipline would be a little less high, a little less intimidating, but it wasn’t. We put on our harnesses and helmets and began the steep climb up. The higher we climbed the less I was able to breathe, and the more my heart hammered. 

“You can do this, mom. Keep going,” my son said as he walked behind me. 

We finally made it to the top. My son stepped in front of me and ziplined to the other side. He landed and then shouted my name in encouragement. I stepped onto the tiny foothold. I didn’t dare look down as I stood 150 feet above the ground. I trembled as I put my gloved hands on the zipline. Everything in me screamed to turn around, to go back to solid ground. I almost did exactly that when my son called. 

“Just let go, mom.”

And somehow, I did. 

I don’t know what I expected. My fears had been so big until that moment that I was surprised at what I felt. It was exhilarating. I soared through the air, wind whipping through my hair. Seconds later I landed, and my son grabbed me in a huge hug. 

Fear can keep us grounded in a thousand different ways. It’s especially difficult when we sense God saying, “Go, sis,” and yet it feels impossible. In today’s verse, the prophet Isaiah is writing to a people who struggle to trust due to fear. He shares a special invitation. 

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.” 

This invitation wasn’t to those who felt confident. It was to those who knew they were weak, to those who felt faint. It was to those who had felt capable until the moment they realized they were not as capable as they thought. God’s strength was offered to them, right where they were, their hands clenched, their hearts beating in overdrive. 

Can I tell you something?

You might feel weak, but God is powerful.

Your strength may ebb, but God’s never does. 

Letting go is not about how successful your landing is, or how great you look while you take that step of trust. It’s the fact that you let go that delights the heart of God. 

If God is asking you to trust Him and it feels big? Acknowledge that fear; that’s okay. We all struggle with fear of one kind or another. 

But then, let go. 

Take that step to discover what it looks like to soar, trusting God will meet you on the other side. 

Let’s Pray
Lord, I am so grateful that You offer Your strength when I feel weak or afraid. I am grateful that You do not condemn me for that fear, but gently call me to trust. Help me let go and thank You for meeting me as I do.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn
There were several difficult steps along the way but letting go was the most challenging part of ziplining. It was also the most empowering. 

Name that one thing that God is asking you to do. What might it look like to “let go” and trust Him?

Remember, it’s not about how well you land. It’s the beauty of trusting Him, and the delight He finds in you as you soar toward Him.

More from the Girlfriends
girlfriends in god, gigIn the book of Acts, Jesus made a powerful promise to a group of work-in-progress disciples. You will have a Helper.  

In Suzanne’s book, The Spirit-Led Heart: Living a Life of Love and Faith without Borders, she shares how we can meet fear with truth and how the Helper helps us take steps of faith even when we feel afraid. Download a free chapter of The Spirit-Led heart absolutely free. 

© 2021 by Suzanne Eller. All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Girlfriends in God / Let Go - Girlfriends in God - May 31, 2021