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NOVEMBER 4, 2014
The Ultimate Promise Keeper |
"The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does." Psalm 145:13b (NIV)
A couple years ago, a loved one broke a promise to me. At first, I was shocked. This was someone I completely trusted. Someone I had shared my secrets and dreams with for years. We did life together and I believed with all my heart I could rely on this person.
My shock quickly turned to anger and regret. Anger that I'd been betrayed. Regret that I trusted this person in the first place. Moments of awkward silence and days of heartache followed.
How would I ever trust again? Could this relationship ever be repaired? What good is making a promise if it's going to be broken?
Anyone can make a promise, but let's be honest. How many of us have actually kept every promise we've made in our lifetime? A promise only has real value if it holds hands with commitment, faithfulness and perseverance.
Broken promises hurt. They have the potential to sever relationships, bring heartache and wound deeply.
In this tough world we live in, struggles and heartache are inevitable, and they may leave us wondering: Whom can we trust? Is there anyone out there who actually keeps every promise?
The answer is a glorious YES and we find proof in today's key verse. Psalm 145:13b tells us, " ... The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does."
If you're like me and someone you love has broken a promise to you, this verse is like a brilliant sunrise, illuminating hope in the midst of your dark and dreary circumstances.
I've discovered three truths in this passage I'd love to share with you today:
God makes promises. Who are we that God would promise us anything? Yet, out of His love for us, He established many promises that are not hidden or secret. We can easily find them in Scripture. "God is not a human that He would lie ..." (Numbers 23:19a, NIV). When God makes a promise to us, it will be accomplished through His sovereignty.
God is trustworthy. We can count on God to fulfill His promises. He is dependable, reliable and worthy of our trust. God has already kept His greatest promise, by sending Jesus to die on our behalf so we can have eternal life in Him (John 3:16). If God fulfilled this sacred promise out of love for us, how can we doubt He will keep the other promises He has made?
God is faithful. Not just sometimes or when He wants to be. God is faithful in all He does (Deuteronomy 7:9). God is loyal to those He loves. He is 100 percent devoted to His children and nothing will ever change that. The vow He made to you is eternal.
Life is challenging. People will disappoint us. And, yes, as much as we try, we may even fall short in keeping some of our promises to others. But no matter what happens in life, we can hold on to this profound truth: God will never break His promises. Never. He is trustworthy and faithful (2 Timothy 2:13).
God will do what He says He will do. And that, dear friend, is something we can confidently rely on forever!
Lord, thank You for always keeping Your promises and loving me even in those moments when I haven't been faithful to You. Grow my faith and help me see You working in my life, so I can come to know You more. Let my trust in You increase as I learn to rely on Your faithfulness. Help me keep the promises I make to others. And when others have broken promises to me, let me never forget that Your promises and devotion extend for all of eternity. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Psalm 18:30, "God's way is perfect. All the LORD's promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection." (NLT)
2 Corinthians 1:20, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God." (NIV)
Renee Swope's A Confident Heart: 60 Days to Stop Doubting Yourself devotional will help you see that God can be trusted with your heart. Click here to purchase a copy for you and/or a friend who may be struggling from broken promises and betrayal.
Stop by Leah DiPascal's blog and enter to win a copy of Renee's book, A Confident Heart. Leah also has a free download that includes a list of God's promises for you!
Has someone broken a promise to you recently? Have you resolved the situation? If not, pray and ask God to show you how He wants to mend this relationship and your broken heart.
Reflect on how trustworthy God is from today's key verse (Psalm 145:13b) and ask Him to help you become more trustworthy and faithful to others. Ask Him to give you wisdom and perseverance when it comes to keeping those promises you've already made.
© 2014 by Leah DiPascal. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105