How To Walk and Live in God’s Truth - Encouragement for Today - June 25, 2024

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Karen EhmanJune 25, 2024

How To Walk and Live in God’s Truth

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“Teach me Your way, O LORD, I will walk and live in Your truth; Direct my heart to fear Your name [with awe-inspired reverence and submissive wonder].” Psalm 86:11 (AMP)

When I was 16, I met a 20-something woman who instantly fascinated me. It wasn’t because she was strikingly beautiful or academically inclined. She wasn’t incredibly wealthy or hilariously witty. Something else about her intrigued me: She seemed so confident in her living because she walked so closely with God.

As we spent time together, I noticed she placed a high priority on prayer, asking Jesus for guidance in every decision. She also prayed for others, such as people facing financial hardship or major medical diagnoses. She prayed for a friend contemplating whether the relationship she was in was healthy. Why, she even prayed when she lost one of her contacts in the bathroom sink!

One day I asked her what was the secret to a successful Christian life. Her answer was straightforward: “Realize that your very life depends on staying connected to Jesus above anything — or anyone — else. Don’t make a move without Him.”

I have discovered how very true her advice is. If we want to be people who make wise decisions when faced with so many options, we need to tether our decision-making to Scripture and align our hearts with God every single day.

Psalm 86:11 depicts such a person who petitions God: “Teach me Your way, O LORD, I will walk and live in Your truth; Direct my heart to fear Your name [with awe-inspired reverence and submissive wonder].”

The two words “walk” and “live” in English are translated from just one word in the original Hebrew. The term is halak, and it doesn’t just mean putting one foot in front of the other. It suggests accompanying, continually following, accessing, patrolling and traveling.

This multifaceted definition reveals such a vibrant verb! When we walk in God’s Truth, we are accompanying Him. But we aren’t just walking by His side: We are continually following Him. We have access to Him, so we are not trekking alone, nor are we sauntering obliviously. We are on patrol, watchful and cautious of what lurks ahead. We aren’t rambling aimlessly but traveling purposefully through life.

Let’s take Psalm 86:11 and turn it into a prayer, asking God for that “awe-inspired reverence and submissive wonder.” If we have humble hearts that truly want to seek after the Lord, we can ask Him to teach us to walk and live in His Truth.

God alone holds the answers to all of life’s dilemmas. Let’s purposefully and sincerely bring each decision to Him, no matter how small or great, before we pick up our foot to walk.

Father, help me to stay connected to You above everything — and everyone — else. I don’t want to make a single move without You. I desire to walk and live in Your Truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Have you joined Circle 31 Book Club yet? It’s about so much more than just the books we read. With the support of the community around us, we see changes in our lives we haven’t been able to make on our own. And starting July 1, we’re reading The Hidden Peace: Finding True Security, Strength, and Confidence Through Humility by Dr. Joel Muddamalle! As a member of Circle 31, you’ll get access to weekly teaching videos from Joel, Grow Groups where you can work through the message with others, and more! What are you waiting for?! Join Circle 31 today!


If you’d be encouraged by a devotional that will help you spend time with God, check out Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk’s book Trusting God in All The Things: 90 Devotions for Finding Peace in Your Every Day.


Today Karen is giving away a free downloadable PDF entitled “Creating a ‘Time with God’ Basket,” and you could have a chance to win a bundle of study tools and goodies to help get you started. Head to her Instagram for details.


Colossians 2:6-7, “So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to walk in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude” (CSB).

What connection do you think there is between being rooted in Christ and walking in Truth? What one action step will you take to make prayer a priority in the week ahead?

We’d love to know your thoughts on this topic. Let us hear from you in the comments.

© 2024 by Karen Ehman. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106


Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement for Today / How To Walk and Live in God’s Truth - Encouragement for Today - June 25, 2024