The Real Thing - Encouragement Café - August 14

The Real Thing
By Judy Fussell

Give me understanding and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart.  Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.  Psalm 119:34-35

This verse,

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart… Psalm 37:4

is one of my favorites.  I think that through the years my perception of these words has been changed.  I believe that when I delight in the Lord, something miraculous happens in my heart, and its desires change!

Isn’t that just like God?  He knows what will satisfy us. After all, he made us, didn’t he?

Guess it’s a little like my son-in-law, Bradley, who can build a motorcycle from the ground up.  He, being the creator of this marvelous machine, knows exactly what is needed for it to run smoothly and properly!  Well now, you might ask,

How do I delight in the Lord?

It begins with a mindset.  I believe it starts first thing each day.  Make a conscious effort, even before greeting the morning, to place the day in God’s capable hands.  Look for the good.  Begin with gratitude.

Also, God wants his word to be an oasis for our souls.  His word is filled with comfort and promises to give rest and peace.  Read it.  It is satisfying food for a sagging spirit.

Meditate.  Let its healing balm reach into your mind and soul.

Talk to Him.  He yearns to hear from you.  Listen.  He responds in the depth of your heart.

Look at the beauty of creation.  It is a reflection of the glorious God who made it all.  Enjoy.

I do believe that at the core of our being we yearn for the Lord.  We were made to be in fellowship with him and others.  By delighting in him, we are accepting “the real thing” that we desire rather than cheap substitutes such as status, wealth, power, fame, and fleeting pleasures.

Delight in Him who is the true treasure of life!

David who penned the words in Psalm 119 knew that obedience to God’s statutes brought delight and blessing into his life.  We serve the same unchanging God today who meets us in our daily walk just as he met David those long years ago!

God’s word is for our protection, care, and delight because He loves us with his everlasting love.  Let’s delight in the Lord every day!

God, let us daily seek to delight in You!  You are the “real thing,” and all else dims in comparison to the treasure of Yourself.  If we seek You, You will be found!  In Christ’s name, amen.

© 2020 by Judy Fussell.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / The Real Thing - Encouragement Café - August 14