Remember God Will Do It Again - Encouragement Café - January 31

Remember God Will Do It Again
 By Carolyn Dale Newell

Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer.  Psalm 4:1 NKJV

David is distressed and he is praying. He remembers the way God relieved him from his troubles in the past. He knows that God is merciful and He hears his prayers.

As Psalm 4 continues, David becomes more confident, not in himself, but in God. In verse 4, David says that we should meditate in our hearts and be still. We need to stop and think on who God is and what He has done for us. “Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD” (v. 5). We are assured that we can trust God when we bring to mind the trials He has brought us through in the past.

Finally, David has gladness in his heart and he can sleep peacefully. He knows God will provide safety for him (v. 7-8).

I have been legally blind for many years but several years ago, I noticed a rapid decline in my vision. It was frightening to think of living in a world of darkness. I remembered how God had pulled my husband through his battle with leukemia. Likewise, I thought about the grace that God gave me during the eight years when my daughter and I were separated. I knew that if God could bring me through these difficult things, then He could also bring me through this new ordeal. I remembered. I meditated, and like David, I put my trust in the Lord.

Remembering what God has done in the past and meditating on it will help us feel God’s peace in our hearts. Can you focus on what God has done for you? Trust Him to do it again and so much more.

Read Psalm 4 and meditate on it. Notice the differences in David’s sleeping patterns in verses 4 and 8. When you have those sleepless nights due to trials, follow David’s example. Remember all that God has already brought you through. Remember to trust Him.

Dear heavenly Father, forgive me because when trouble comes, I often fall apart. I think I must handle things on my own. I remember when You brought me through _____. I didn’t think I could make it then, but You always are there for me. Thank You, Amen.

Exchange fear for faith, worry for worship, and panic for peace with Carolyn’s new book, Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith.

 For more encouragement, visit Carolyn at 

 © 2020 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Remember God Will Do It Again - Encouragement Café - January 31