He Himself is our Peace - Encouragement Café - April 12

He Himself is our Peace
 By Olivia Barnes

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27 KJV


The dictionary definition of peace is ‘freedom from disturbance’ or ‘tranquility’. Something this world is in short supply of… can you remember the last day you had that was free from disturbance? As a mum of a two year old and an eight month old it’s a miracle if I get to use the restroom without disturbance, never mind the idea of having a shower in peace.

Thankfully the peace that Christ gives is not as the world gives. It is not a peace based on circumstances. The world’s peace is empty, ready to crumble without notice.

The Hebrew word for peace, Shalom, or the Greek Eirēnē translates to mean a range of things such as completeness, fulfillment, wholeness, security. Christ’s peace which He leaves with us is complete, it fulfills us, making us whole and provides us the security we need for today and tomorrow. Christ peace is a gift, a deep settling peace; a peace that we can rest in, ‘for He Himself is our peace’ (Eph 2:14).

This is a peace that is experienced by those who know and love the Lord; it is a peace which cannot be explained, a peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). It doesn’t mean our lives will be disturbance free but rather that no matter what the disturbance, no matter what the storm, He is there with us. That when the world is crumbling from fear we can rest in Him, we can sleep in peace and go about our day without fear because we are secure in the steadfast assurance that God is in control. 

In John 14:27 Christ tells us to not let our hearts be troubled, it’s easy to say that but with so many worrying and alarming things happening in the world how can you stop your heart from being troubled. Well without Christ it is impossible, without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5), but in God ‘all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26). And in today’s world with Christ by your side your heart can remain at peace. 

Follow Christ’s example: when on this earth Jesus began His day in prayer (Mark 1:35). Go grab a pen and paper; write down all those situations in life which are stealing your peace, causing worry and strain. Now pray over them and with each one say: ‘Lord, I am handing this over to you, fill me with your peace knowing you are in control of this situation’. And keep that list, keep praying over it and handing the worries over to God; you will find great encouragement when one at a time you get to put a line through your previous worries as God moves in the situation. 

There is much in the world and in our lives which will try to shake our peace but we need to resist anxiety, and when it tries to raise its head flee to God in prayer. Write it down and hand it to God.

Lord, You created this world, You hold it in the palm of Your hand and Your ear is open unto my cries. Lord, I thank You that You have promised me a peace that passes all understanding. That when the world seems to be spinning out of control, You are my peace. In You I find rest for my soul and peace for my heart. Lord, that You would grant me this peace. That I would truly experience Your calming assurance in my life, that the troubles of this world would not creep in to steal my peace and security in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2020 by Olivia Barnes.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / He Himself is our Peace - Encouragement Café - April 12