Faith with Secret Walls - Encouragement Café - February 6

Faith with Secret Walls
By Jodi Aiken

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1 NASB

Does your faith have secret walls around it?  Hidden limitations you’ve built around your life? 

For years, I refused to go on a mission trip overseas. I reasoned that God could send someone else, and that it was best for my children if I didn’t go. 

To be honest, I wanted to go but I was trapped by my fears.  My fears formed a fortified wall around my faith allowing me to go only so far with God. When I considered what was on the other side of the wall, I imagined horrible outcomes; sickness, not being allowed back in this country, orphaning my children, or not being with them if they needed me.

The enemy had me right where he wanted me. Faithless. Ashamed. Controlled. Ineffective.

I imagine you have your own reasoning for the walls you’ve built around your faith.

Perhaps feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, doubt, and a lack of self-worth limit your faith.

God is not the creator of those limits. We are.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7

However, we choose to thwart that power and discipline when we allow our flesh to override our trust in God. The enemy plants the lie and waters it with doubt: Will God really make good on His promises to me?

I remember the day God broke down the fortified wall that had kept me from traveling on mission. God was prompting my heart to travel to South Asia with my husband, leaving my boys behind. As I was praying and asking God to help me take this step of faith, He simply stilled me with His love and spoke into my soul:

“Jodi, you will never receive the abundance of life I have designed specifically for you if you continue to live in fear. I have plans to use you for My Kingdom. You may have given birth to your children, but I created them, and I love them more than you could ever dream! You can trust Me with them. Do you trust Me? Yes, Lord, I trust You! I trust You for what I cannot see on the other side of my wall.”

I went on that trip and I was effective! I was no longer faithless or controlled by the enemy’s lies.  But I must be honest and tell you I prayed A LOT. However, the more I prayed, the more He strengthened my faith in His faithfulness. Peace ruled instead of fear. There was freedom on the other side of the secret wall I had built! The enemy no longer had me where he wanted me. Instead, God had me right where He wanted me – trusting in Him.

Do you fear what’s on the other side of your wall? You don’t have to! There’s really nothing to fear when you trust God for the outcome. He will cause all things to work together for good if we let Him.

Secret walls limit our faith. Ask God to help you push down your wall, so your faith can be without borders. It’s the life you were purposed to live… LIVE IT!

Lord, I believe but help my unbelief as I strive to trust You more. I surrender my secret wall of doubt to You choosing to believe You can do what You say You can do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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© 2020 by Jodi Aiken.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Faith with Secret Walls - Encouragement Café - February 6