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Free from Sin, Jesus Broke the Chains - Encouragement Café - September 5, 2016

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Free From Sin, Jesus Broke the Chains
By Carolyn Dale Newell
Monday, September 5, 2016

But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. Romans 6:22 NKJV

There I sat at my first Gaither concert.  It was not a memory, but more of a knowing that I had been there before.  Over thirty years ago, I had been in that very same civic center for a rock concert.  I was highly intoxicated and with the wrong people.  

As a young woman, I was trapped by sin in a life that was headed for destruction and hell.

Throughout the evening, one word kept standing out – “free”.  Now I am free, set free through the blood of Jesus.  Satan’s chains had been broken, and I was free.  I began praising God for liberating me, nearly twenty years ago.

We can get so busy serving God, doing our Bible studies, praying for the lost and the many needs of people that we forget the past.  

Many of us would like to totally forget our former lives, but that night God took me to the place where I was reminded.  I remembered the horrible sinner I was, and I was filled with such joy to sit there now in the same place praising my Savior.

Christian, let’s not lose sight of what a miracle occurred when God set us free from our sin.  We are no longer in bondage to Satan.

Perhaps you are still in that life of sin.  You don’t consider yourself a slave to disobedience, but you are.  

Sin can be pleasurable for a season, but it only brings sorrow.  

Jesus Christ loves you, and He died on the cross so that sinners may trust in Him and be set free.  Free from sin and hell.  Free to live an abundant life eternally.

How amazing is the love of Jesus who paid the high price for our freedom!

Recall your life prior to salvation and give God the glory for it.  

Who can you tell about Christ today?

Heavenly Father, we fail to praise You enough for what You did for us when You saved us.  What we once called freedom was really slavery.  Thank You for true freedom in Christ.  Amen.

© 2016 by Carolyn Dale Newell All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Free from Sin, Jesus Broke the Chains - Encouragement Café - September 5, 2016