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Contagious Smile - Encouragement Café - September 20, 2017

Contagious Smile
By Paris Renae

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

“A cheerful look brings joy to the heart.”  Proverbs 15:30a NLT

Where are you going? Maybe right this moment you’re sitting comfortably just reading, or maybe waiting for your turn in line. Daily, we head out the door – checking off our list.

Often arriving back with few eye contacts made, even fewer words shared.

Once, in an overwhelming crowd of people, a woman sought Jesus out for healing. Her heart knew that if she could just touch even His clothing she would be healed. She pressed onward until finally she reached past those crowding Him.

In all the commotion: Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” He said, “your faith has healed you.” (Matthew 9:22 NIV) No one had even seen her before; they purposely tried not to look at her.

That’s you and me and the homeless man with the sign and the woman struggling with alcohol and the overweight clerk and all mankind.

We are all far from perfect. And those that are looked at because of perceived beauty often miss the One from whom they should seek attention.

You may say there are some situations that are dangerous and we shouldn’t make eye contact. Ok, but I don’t think the grocery store line, the sweating car wash attendant, or the shuffling elderly person is dangerous.

But our smile, our kind word, our affirmation of them can be contagious.

Here’s the thing: Jesus doesn’t just see how we look on the outside – He sees our heart. And He sees our heart because

He doesn’t look with His eyes, He looks with His heart.

We can’t see another’s heart, but we know how ours aches to be assured and comforted. We’re all lost souls on a journey that is a dash between two dates: birth – death.

Some will go on to see His glorious face, some never will. Maybe the glow of His smile on your face will show the way to another.

“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” John 13:15 NIV. All the Bible is our example of how to make a difference. Jesus even washed feet.  Maybe we can find ways to do the same.

Father, O Father, we are so wrapped up in ourselves or so fear-full of the unknown that we miss blessings galore when we pass by those created in Your image. Give us courage to make eye contact, to speak kind words, to find ways to wash away the dirt of the world. Turn our ‘I can’ts’ into ‘I’ll try’ and help us make a way in the desert. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2017 by Paris Renae, All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Contagious Smile - Encouragement Café - September 20, 2017