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A Mary Christmas - Encouragement Café - December 28, 2016


A Mary Christmas
By Joan Walker Hahn
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”   Luke 10:41-42 NKJV

Sometimes I wish that everyone would just decide not to give and receive gifts at Christmas.  Does that make me a Grinch?  I worry so much about what to buy for people. 

Will they like it?  Is it too little or too much?  Can I afford it?  Or what if someone gives me something and I don’t have anything for them?  Oh dear!

I believe most would agree that we have made Christmas about everything but the birth of Christ.  I do like cooking, but I’m always rushed.  I like decorating, but I run out of time to make it perfect. 

I’m more like Martha of the Bible instead of Mary.  I stay busy, rushing from one thing to another, doing what I feel people expect me to do.  When what I really need to do is make it a “Mary Christmas.”

Mary sat at the feet of Jesus when He came to her house to visit instead of rushing around like Martha.  We all should learn that the most important part of Christmas is the coming of Jesus. 

What better way to spend the Christmas season than to spiritually sit at the feet of Jesus, worshipping Him for who He is and for what He has done?

But how? 

I know we can’t stop everything, even though it might be nice to.  There will still be shopping and cooking to do, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. 

I am still learning from my grandchildren that they really don’t care what my house looks like.  And they are just as happy with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich than if I had spent hours in the kitchen preparing a meal.  The thing they are the most concerned with when they come to my house is that I give them all my attention.  

That’s how it is with God.  The thing He is the most concerned with is that we give Him our attention.

For me, the best part of Christmas isn’t the hours spent shopping or cooking or decorating.  The things I enjoy most are the Christmas services at church.  The cantatas and dramas.  Gathering with my family and just sitting, talking and laughing.  Watching my grandchildren playing with their new toys, and just as often, with the paper, bows and boxes they came in. 

What do you enjoy most? 

We need to stop fretting about the things that we don’t enjoy and spend more time concentrating on the things that are great.  Take time to figure out how to cut back on the things that distract us from the real reason for Christmas.  And most of all, we need to spend time at the feet of Jesus.

I hope you all have a Mary Christmas!

Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving us the greatest gift of all - Jesus!  I’m sorry for letting the busyness of this time of year distract me from focusing on You.  Lord, give me wisdom to know how to handle the things that must be done and how to let everything else go.  May my main focus be solely on making Christmas a time to sit at Your feet, worshipping You.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2016 by Joan Walker Hahn.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / A Mary Christmas - Encouragement Café - December 28, 2016