Devotional For Dieters 11/20

November 20

1 Thessalonians 5:16
Rejoice evermore.

Fran remembered a time not long ago when she had nothing to smile about. She used to watch other women walk along, and bitter jealousy tore her up inside. She would fly into fits of rage and crying. She hated the way she looked, and she hated other women for looking so good. Her disposition was lousy, and her heart was broken. One Sunday she went to church, and while sitting there, she realized she was at peace. She closed her eyes and prayed, and she felt a voice tell her to change, to do something about her ap-pearance. The impression was so strong that she went home immediately to plan a diet. From that time forward, she never wavered, and now she looked back in amazement. Seventy-five pounds lost, and joy filled the void they left.

Today's thought: Happiness increases as my weight problem ceases!