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Elohim - Daily in Your Presence - Feb. 10

Day 41


For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome.
Deuteronomy 10:17

My child, I am not a creation of wood or stone. I am not a distant relative who never sees or knows what you do. I am holy, yet I am approachable. I am powerful, yet I am available. I am Spirit, yet I am always with you. Your praises to Me fill heaven with indescribable music and show Me that you enjoy My presence, too.

No other power comes close to Yours, Lord. No other god can stand beside You. And You are not only powerful, but You are personal. You are Elohim, the Lord my God. You created me for Your glory. I bow before You as the only true and living God. Lord, I worship You.


Worship is the heart's cry for God.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan / Elohim - Daily in Your Presence - Feb. 10