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Growing Used to the Light - Beloved Women - April 9, 2024

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Growing Used to the Light - Beloved Women - April 9, 2024

READ: “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light.” (Psalm 36:9 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: Uggh! Turn the light off!!! How many times has your sleep come to an end when someone flipped on the light? That’s quite a shocking way to wake up, isn’t it?

Growing in Jesus can be that way. Our human nature prefers darkness because selfishness, pride, offenses, and envy thrive when they are left undisturbed in the corners of our hearts (John 3:19). Even though we love Him, we are not always willing for the Lord to shine into every area of our lives. At times when His light confronts us, we are shocked!

Jesus is the Light of the world who defeats darkness (John 8:12). He proved that He’s not afraid of the dark when He went into the grave and hell to redeem us. Jesus isn’t afraid to walk into the ugly places of our hearts where we still need to surrender to His transforming light.

Sometimes we are like the Israelites who longed for Egypt, although they had received the Promised Land. Many lights also beckon us, like beauty, relationships, and accomplishments. Jesus is the true light that gives everlasting life that will not fade away.

PRAY: Father, I thank You for sending Jesus to overcome the darkness in my heart. Help me to not hide from His light, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. May the eyes of my heart be enlightened so that I can see You clearly and be changed to be more like Jesus. Help me to turn away from looking at worthless attractions. I want to prefer You more than anything else. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray, Amen.

REFLECT: Can you remember a time when accepting  the light of God’s truth made you feel uncomfortable at first? Choose one area of your heart to invite Jesus’ light into all throughout this day.

SHARE: Jesus isn’t afraid to walk into the ugly places of our hearts where we still need to surrender to His transforming light.

CONNECT: You may find more of Candace Daly’s writings on Instagram @growblooming and on her blog

MORE BELOVED: If you like the Beloved Women Daily Devotional you will love the Beloved Women’s Conference. This a one-day event is filled with speakers, entertainment, breakout sessions and more to refresh, refuel, and empower women like us to find rest for our souls, peace for our minds, and hope for the journey. Our mission is to replenish the women who do so much for their families and communities so they can continue to build better futures for themselves and those they love and serve. If you’re ready to energize your relationship with God learn more and get your tickets before they sell out at

© 2020 by Candace Daly. All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Beloved Women / Growing Used to the Light - Beloved Women - April 9, 2024