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Resurrection Life - God's Love at Work - Week of May 21

Resurrection Life

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of May 21, 2023

In Holy Scripture, the Word “resurrection” is derived from the Greek and literally mean to “rise from the dead” and to “stand up again” (Strong’s (# 386 - anastasis). Resurrection also has a figurative meaning, which is to be “raised to life again” by God’s truth and power.

Jesus is our first "resurrection and life." He says in John 11:25 (NLT) that anyone who believes in Him "will live, even after dying." So, we have this assurance of life that we walk in, no matter what.

My favorite resurrection life scripture is Romans 8:11 ESV, which says that "If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you."

So, resurrection can reference the spirit, soul, or body. It can mean that a loved one, who has passed on, can be raised to Heaven. It can mean that someone receives a breakthrough in their soul of God’s light of truth. Or it can mean that a person’s body parts are miraculously restored to functionality.

I believe God is about to overflow this life-giving power through us to facilitate dream-level restorations of relationships and miraculous physical healings.

I believe we can expect for the hopes He restored in us to manifest in overflow in this season.

I believe that, as we keep the faith, draw near to Him and carefully walk with Him, we will experience His Word to us as an expression of His beautiful justice, especially in the areas we cannot make happen on our own.

Right now, our Lord is releasing affirmations to strengthen us, through revelations of His Word. He’s revealing more details of how to process the shifts into His Kingdom expansion before us. Faithfully walking out this path with Him will prove extraordinary.

Recently, Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, reminding me that we don’t have to worry about our lives or where He’s leading us (Luke 12:22). As He has in the past, He will cover us with His feathers (Psalms 91:4).

Since, Jesus said in John 15:14, that we are His friends if we do what He commands, what do we have to fear?

It may happen, as it did with the early church in the Book of Acts, that there may be resistant ones, who will try, in vain, to stop the Spirit of God from moving. But, like the early disciples, we must remain close to God as our Life Source and go and do as He leads.

Remember, the wisdom of discernment is key in our new season. Holy Spirit will help us navigate foolishness (Proverbs 26:4-5). He will guide us and give us Words to speak when appropriate.

Remember, that our Lord is the One who lifts our heads high (Psalms 3:3 NIV). So, we can agree with Him, as our Vinedresser, to faithfully lifts us, as branches, even when we cannot help ourselves.

We can know that God is bringing us into greater honor, as we continue to honor Him, and that He has prepared us well. It may feel risky, but God is in it with us, and His way is certain. So, no matter what, He will help us remain steadfast above any resistance (John 15:7).

Therefore, we cannot lose.

Also, since God does not reveal His plan for us, as individuals, to most other people, we can expect some to fall away who don't align with the dramatic changes He will work in and through us.

There may also be those, whom God calls home to Heaven. There may be those in our inner circles, whom God will distance from us to work their assignments with Him. There may be those, like the Israelites in the wilderness, who won't have the right heart to continue forward with us. There may be those who are jealous and envious, like the Pharisees and Sadducees. And there may be those who do not have the integrity of character, like Aiken or Judas.

Yet, we can cling to God, say a prayer for them, release them to Him and move forward anyway. Remember, God is taking us to higher places, so we can determine now to remain high with Him and not go low in the flesh. We can experience His justice when we put Him first in all things and not make idols out of those we are expected to release to His care.

If there is one lesson I've learned in life it's that, when we go where God sends us and do what He instructs, He brings new life to our loved ones from whom He expected us to depart for a season. In His time, this resurrection life cycle will come around again, as He blesses us through these renewed relationships in a unique way.

So, we don’t have to confuse mourning with honor and eat the bread of mourners indefinitely. We can process through grief and celebrate their lives and their Godly impact they had here. We can let God heal our hearts, and move onward to accomplish our divine purpose for being where He sends us.

We can know that beloved believers, who depart from us, worship the same God we do and that God is safely keeping them in Glory as His stored-up treasures for us (Hebrews 12:22). We can remember that those who didn’t make it into this season on earth can see us from Heaven and are cheering us on. So, let’s give them reason to rejoice even more.

We are on a mission to bring life with God to earth as it is in Heaven, and they know this. God’s purpose is ours to apprehend in honor of Him and them. So, settle for nothing less, and God will settle us in our new, manifest promises.

To Him be all glory, honor and praise (John 15:8). Amen.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.


Christianity / Devotionals / God's Love at Work / Resurrection Life - God's Love at Work - Week of May 21