191 Better to be poor and honest than a rich person no one can trust.

2 Ignorant zeal is worthless; haste makes waste.

3 People ruin their lives by their own stupidity, so why does God always get blamed?

4 Wealth attracts friends as honey draws flies, but poor people are avoided like a plague.

5 Perjury won't go unpunished. Would you let a liar go free?

6 Lots of people flock around a generous person; everyone's a friend to the philanthropist. 7 When you're down on your luck, even your family avoids you - yes, even your best friends wish you'd get lost. If they see you coming, they look the other way - out of sight, out of mind.

8 Grow a wise heart - you'll do yourself a favor; keep a clear head - you'll find a good life.

9 The person who tells lies gets caught; the person who spreads rumors is ruined.

10 Blockheads shouldn't live on easy street any more than workers should give orders to their boss.

11 Smart people know how to hold their tongue; their grandeur is to forgive and forget.

12 Mean-tempered leaders are like mad dogs; the good-natured are like fresh morning dew.

13 A parent is worn to a frazzle by a stupid child; a nagging spouse is a leaky faucet.

14 House and land are handed down from parents, but a congenial spouse comes straight from God.

15 Life collapses on loafers; lazybones go hungry.

16 Keep the rules and keep your life; careless living kills.

17 Mercy to the needy is a loan to God, and God pays back those loans in full.

18 Discipline your children while you still have the chance; indulging them destroys them.

19 Let angry people endure the backlash of their own anger; if you try to make it better, you'll only make it worse.

20 Take good counsel and accept correction - that's the way to live wisely and well.

21 We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God's purpose prevails.

22 It's only human to want to make a buck, but it's better to be poor than a liar.

23 Fear-of-God is life itself, a full life, and serene - no nasty surprises.

24 Some people dig a fork into the pie but are too lazy to raise it to their mouth.

25 Punish the insolent - make an example of them. Who knows? Somebody might learn a good lesson.

26 Kids who lash out against their parents are an embarrassment and disgrace.

27 If you quit listening, dear child, and strike off on your own, you'll soon be out of your depth.

28 An unprincipled witness desecrates justice; the mouths of the wicked spew malice.

29 The irreverent have to learn reverence the hard way; only a slap in the face brings fools to attention.

Exhortations to Obedience

31 Good friend, don't forget all I've taught you; take to heart my commands. 2 They'll help you live a long, long time, a long life lived full and well. 3 Don't lose your grip on Love and Loyalty. Tie them around your neck; carve their initials on your heart. 4 Earn a reputation for living well in God's eyes and the eyes of the people. 5 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. 6 Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.

7 Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! 8 Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life! 9 Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best. 10 Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over. 11 But don't, dear friend, resent God's discipline; don't sulk under his loving correction. 12 It's the child he loves that God corrects; a father's delight is behind all this. The Very Tree of Life

13 You're blessed when you meet Lady Wisdom, when you make friends with Madame Insight. 14 She's worth far more than money in the bank; her friendship is better than a big salary. 15 Her value exceeds all the trappings of wealth; nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her. 16 With one hand she gives long life, with the other she confers recognition. 17 Her manner is beautiful, her life wonderfully complete. 18 She's the very Tree of Life to those who embrace her. Hold her tight - and be blessed! 19 With Lady Wisdom, God formed Earth; with Madame Insight, he raised Heaven. 20 They knew when to signal rivers and springs to the surface, and dew to descend from the night skies. Never Walk Away

21 Dear friend, guard Clear Thinking and Common Sense with your life; don't for a minute lose sight of them. 22 They'll keep your soul alive and well, they'll keep you fit and attractive. 23 You'll travel safely, you'll neither tire nor trip. 24 You'll take afternoon naps without a worry, you'll enjoy a good night's sleep. 25 No need to panic over alarms or surprises, or predictions that doomsday's just around the corner, 26 Because God will be right there with you; he'll keep you safe and sound.

27 Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God's hand for that person. 28 Don't tell your neighbor, "Maybe some other time," or, "Try me tomorrow," when the money's right there in your pocket. 29 Don't figure ways of taking advantage of your neighbor when he's sitting there trusting and unsuspecting. 30 Don't walk around with a chip on your shoulder, always spoiling for a fight. 31 Don't try to be like those who shoulder their way through life. Why be a bully? 32 "Why not?" you say. Because God can't stand twisted souls. It's the straightforward who get his respect. 33 God's curse blights the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous. 34 He gives proud skeptics a cold shoulder, but if you're down on your luck, he's right there to help. 35 Wise living gets rewarded with honor; stupid living gets the booby prize.