
Resist the spin Satan wants to put on your life by leaning into the promises God has made—promises to give you a future full of hope.
Ann Spangler is an award-winning writer and speaker.
Published Nov 02, 2017

Asn image of a person spinning a light above their head, creating a cirle of light and shooting sparks.

You may think that “spin” is something that was invented by modern media. But a closer look reveals that the practice dates back to the Garden of Eden. God said to Adam in Genesis 2, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden—except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (verses 16-17). But by Genesis 3, the message had already become distorted. Here’s what the serpent said to Eve: “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” (verse 1). See how it works? Satan takes a bit of the truth, adds a falsehood to it, and then produces a plausible lie that will insinuate itself into your heart as a question, causing you to distrust God.

Here’s how spin might work on you today. God says he has forgiven you because you belong to Christ. But you know you are far from perfect. You told a lie, you yelled at your children, you gossiped. Even worse, you’ve done these things repeatedly. Instead of repenting and receiving God’s forgiveness, you listen to the voice that tells you sin is despicable. True enough—sin is despicable. But then the voice takes it a step further, implying that you are despicable and that God can’t possibly forgive you. Listening to Satan’s spin on your sins will separate you from God’s mercy.

Or how about this? God says he hears your prayers and will help you. He tells you he will bring good out of even the worst circumstances because he loves you and you love him. Yet your husband lost his job last year and can’t find another or your child is ill and not getting any better. After a while, you stop listening to God’s promises and start tuning in to the voice that says, “God doesn’t care. Give it up. You’re on your own.” Listening to this voice rather than to the voice of the Spirit will spin you into a spiritual depression that separates you from God’s love and peace.

The way to resist the spin Satan wants to put on your life is to lean into the promises God has made—promises to give you a future full of hope. Ask God today to help you listen to the message of his truth so you can faithfully cling to his promises.