God is Close to Everywhere

God is not contained in the universe but the universe is contained in God. As Tozer says, “God fills heaven and hearth just as the ocean fills a bucket which has been submerged in it a mile down. The bucket is full of the ocean, but the ocean surrounds the bucket in all directions.” Even when we feel abandoned, God is still Emmanuel. He is still “God with us.”
Ann Spangler is an award-winning writer and speaker.
Published Oct 21, 2013
God is Close to Everywhere

Because God is infinite, the words “limit” or “limitation” can never be used to describe his presence in space or time. As A. W. Tozer pointed out, God “is near to everything and everyone. He is here; He is next to you wherever you may be. And if you send up the furious question, ‘Oh God, where art Thou?’ the answer comes back, ‘I am where you are; I am here; I am next to you; I am close to everywhere.’ That’s what the Bible says.”[1]

God is not contained in the universe but the universe is contained in God. As Tozer says, “God fills heaven and hearth just as the ocean fills a bucket which has been submerged in it a mile down. The bucket is full of the ocean, but the ocean surrounds the bucket in all directions.”[2]

Even when we feel abandoned, God is still Emmanuel.  He is still “God with us.”   


[1] A.W. Tozer, The Attributes of God, Volume 1 (Camp Hill, PA: Wingspread Publishers, 1997, 118.

[2] Ibid, 138.


Christianity / Ann Spangler / God is Close to Everywhere