Couple Puts Christ at the Center of Marriage with ‘You, Me, and Jesus’

Published Jun 16, 2023

Two talented musicians sing about how they are committed to one another and to keeping Christ at the center of their marriage.

Weddings are lovely ceremonies in which two people vow publicly to stick with one another through thick and thin in front of their family and friends. Marriage, while a beautiful and sacred bond, still brings together two imperfect people. These two individuals will not agree on everything, likely leading to fights and other difficulties.

However, Arbor North, a husband-and-wife duo, sings about how to navigate these troubling times in marriage. In a video posted to YouTube, they vow to keep Jesus Christ at the center of their relationship in the song “You, Me and Jesus.”

The video, lyrics, and vocal performances are all beautiful. In the song’s opening verse, the singers mention how they anticipate facing difficult and troubling situations. They sing about how the world can bring down their relationship. 

But in the song’s lovely chorus, they mention how they intend to weather the storm and become victorious over whatever the world may throw their way. They will rely on Christ's love, guidance, and strength.

“When the waters rise and we face the fire
We’ll rest in our foundation
Hand in hand, and on our knees, nothing between us
You, me and Jesus”

In the following verse, they both understand that fights are inevitable. They are in any and every marriage, but they are committed to working it out, to keeping Christ in the middle of their relationship. 

In addition to the touching and moving lyrics, the video is also dazzlingly beautiful. The two musicians, in wedding attire, go through a wedding ceremony and then lovingly gaze into each other’s eyes as they sing.

What a terrific reminder of how a marriage should function. Marriage is tough and hard times occur, but with Christ at the center, those two imperfect people can make it. 

“So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, don’t let man tear apart” (Matthew 19:6).

 This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/mictian

