7 Bedtime Prayers for Your Kids

Contributing Writer
Published Oct 10, 2023
7 Bedtime Prayers for Your Kids

Do you have a bedtime routine with your little ones? Maybe it starts with a soothing bath, and then you end up snuggling together for a good book or story. Maybe you play soft lullaby music or entertain the last few moments of laughter with a good old-fashioned tickle fight.

Bedtime can be such a sweet and tender time with your child, but it can also be a nice reprieve once you pull up those covers, turn off the lights, and kiss that darling good night so you can soak in a bit of peace before you trudge off to bed yourself.

Bedtime also marks a special time to talk to God and offers us the chance to give Him our thanks and praise. When we model this for our children, we are hoping that it elicits a life-long habit and instills the importance of our prayers.

However, when we have simple go-to prayers or our children begin reciting the same words every night, we can often get caught in a rut where our prayers become rote, meaningless, or stale.

Now, please don’t misunderstand. Repetition is good, especially for little ones, as they learn from songs and poems. So, please don’t stop singing “Jesus Loves Me” or praying “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.”

But, sometimes, it’s good to just mix things up a bit, as it’s important for them to understand that God seeks after our hearts and wants our prayers to be intentional.

So, while bedtime can be both fun and exhausting (literally), cultivating meaningful prayers in your child’s bedtime routine will give them peace as well as build reliance on God. The simple and easy go-to prayers below will give you and your child a great place to start.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Brand X Pictures

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Little girl praying at bedtime

1. God, You Are My Friend

God, You are my best friend. Nobody compares to You. You love me, lead me, and guide me, and are faithful in all You do. Thank you for listening to my prayers and helping me today. I want to love You and others and need You to show the way!

God, You are my best friend, and I place my trust in You. You know everything about me; I want to know more about You, too. So, help me be a good friend to You and all that comes my way. And give me a heart to share my toys and invite others to play.

God, You are my best friend, and I am so glad You seek after me. You tell me in Your Word that when I seek after You, that I am free. When I make a mistake or mess up, You say that is not who I am. You tell me I am loved and forgiven, able to start all over again.

So, thank You, God, for being my best friend. Your goodness truly has no end. Please be with me as I fall asleep tonight. Bringing comfort that everything will be all right. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/RebeccaNelson

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2. The JOY Prayer

2. The JOY Prayer




This simple JOY prayer format is a great way to help little ones align their prayers by thanking God for His sacrifice and many blessings first. Then, praying for others, and lastly, for their own needs.

Below are a few examples of what the JOY prayer might look like. The beauty is this prayer is customizable to fit your child and their specific prayer requests.

Thank you, Jesus, for everything You did for me on the cross. Your love is so great! I ask that You help me in my friendships at school and that You grant healing for my Sunday school teacher who is sick.

Help me be a good listener at home to mommy and daddy and show love to my brother and sister. Amen.

God, You are so very good to me and my family. You have given us so much to be grateful for. Thank you for my cozy bed, stuffed animals, and my dog, Daisy. Thank you for Your love and patience. Your grace and mercy.

I pray that You will show Your love to others who don’t know about You yet. I pray that You will help those who need food, who are sick or don’t have a cozy bed to sleep in.

I pray that You forgive me when I am not so nice to my brother and help me when I get angry or upset. I love you, God. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©Pixabay/Wokandapix

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3. Thank You, God, For Everything

3. Thank You, God, For Everything

Thank you, God, for everything. You are so good to me. Thank you for my home, my friends, and my family. Thank you, God, for my church and my school where I can learn and grow. Thank you, God, for making me, from head to tippy toe!

Thank you, God, for everything, You are so good to all. Thank you for our world, all creatures big and small. Thank you for the sun, moon, and stars, and how day turns into night. Thank you for this beautiful day, please watch over me tonight.

Faithful Father, I pray that You lead and guide each parent, and provide them with many useful tools and unique ways to help their children learn to pray and connect more deeply with You.

You are so very faithful and good to us, and we want to be obedient to You. Help us model prayer and be active participants in our children’s faith journey. I ask all this in Your holy name. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/evgenyatamane

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mom reading to kid at bed time

4. Jesus, I Love You!

Jesus, Jesus, I love You! You are my trustworthy friend. I thank You for this day, Your mercies never end.

Jesus, Jesus, I love You! Thank you for Your grace. Please forgive me when I fail,

And seek me in a quiet space. Jesus, Jesus, I love You! For You are always near. As I drift off to sleep tonight, Please keep my heart from fear.

Jesus, Jesus, I love You! Be with me now as I fall asleep. Surround me with Your goodness, And watch over me like Your little sheep.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages_evgenyatamanenko

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5. I Trust You, God

5. I Trust You, God

I trust You God with… I trust You, God, with… too! I trust You will help me and love me.

As I put this day to rest and fully trust in You!

This is a personal prayer that you and your child can lift up to the Father. Sometimes, there are certain needs or concerns that might need to be addressed that day. This simple prayer lays out a way for your child to touch on such topics. Below are a few examples of what this prayer might look like.

I trust You God with my friend who hurt my feelings today. I trust You, God, with what happened at the playground, too! I trust You will help me and love me. As I put this day to rest and fully trust in You!

I trust You God with my temper and angry outbursts. I trust You, God, with my emotions and the hurt from others, too! I trust You will help me and love me. As I put this day to rest and fully trust in You!

I trust You God with my grandpa and his surgery tomorrow. I trust You, God, with how we can help him, too! I trust You will help him and love us. As I put this day to rest and fully trust in You!

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Wavebreakmedia

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bible reading read bed nighttime bedtime mother daughter study

6. Dear God Prayer

Dear God, Thank you for all my friends and family. Thank you for… (name). Thank you for the way… (describe a trait your child loves about that person) Please help…Thank You, God. You are good. Amen.

This is a great prayer to help your child pray for others, especially a friend or family member who may be going through a difficult time or tough situation.

It allows them to soften their hearts and seek God, relying on Him, seeing that He is a faithful and good God to all. Below are some examples of what this prayer might look like.

Dear God, Thank you for all my friends and family. Thank you for my daddy, and all that he does for our family. Thank you for the way he works so hard in the yard and cuts the grass. Please let his leg feel better and give him healing from the boo-boo he got yesterday. Thank You, God. You are good. Amen.

Dear God, Thank you for all my friends and family. Thank you for my cousin, Jane. Thank you for the way she always makes me laugh. Please help her do well at her volleyball game this weekend. Thank You, God. You are good. Amen.

Dear God, Thank you for all my friends and family. Thank you for my best friend, Sam.

Thank you for the fun we have together, riding bikes and playing games. Please help him at home as his mom is sick and his sister is always sad. Thank You, God. You are good. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Tutye

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dad putting son to bed

7. Night, Night to All

Night, night to all creatures big and small. God made You so special, and I love you all! From the littlest rollie pollie to the biggest of bears. I love how God made you, with great attention and care.

It is time to go to sleep now as the earth says night, night. God has turned the world around and switched off the light. And as I go to bed myself, and get tucked into bed. I hug my mom and dad and they kiss my little head.

Tomorrow is a new day, and God’s promises abound. But for now, He says sleep well as dreams come around. God is so good, that He knows we need our rest. So sleep well now, so tomorrow we can all be at our best.

This is a fun little prayer to do with actions as they “crawl” into bed and imitate the little rollie pollie or big bear. This can be one last “hurrah” if you will before they nod off to dreamland.

For further reading:

5 Goodnight Prayers for Your Children

Does the Bible Say Anything about Sleep?

What Is the Significance of ‘A Little Sleep, a Little Slumber’?

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Jeff Randall

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at aliciasearl.com and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

Originally published Tuesday, 10 October 2023.