Heavenly Father, Though I am tempted to worry about tomorrow, I long to trust in Your plan. You are my Provider and Sustainer. Help me rest in your care and give my worry to you, Jesus. May tonight be filled with pleasant dreams of your grace and mercy because I know tomorrow is Yours. Amen.
Video by Skylar Cochran Thumbnail & Stock footage courtesy of Canva.com
Rachel Wojo is an author, public speaker, and podcaster who hosts Bible reading challenges on her popular blog, rachelwojo.com. Her biblical approach and life circumstances influence women to find strength and hope in everyday situations. The ideal desperate pray-er to shed light on asking God questions, Rachel’s journey includes losing her mother to leukemia, her adult special needs daughter to a rare neurologically degenerative disease, and her father to illness. She is the author of Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life’s Darkest Moments.Mostly, Rachel is crazy in love with Matt, mom to six on earth and two in heaven.