Cabrini Director Alejandro Monteverde on Faith and Filmmaking
It's easy to be inspired by Mother Cabrini's story. She sees a prostitute on the streets of New York and takes her in. She finds a young boy in the filthy alleys and urges him to take shelter in her orphanage. She hears racial slurs and hate-filled comments -- "We oughta ship them all back," one man says in earshot -- and yet she turns the other cheek, opting not to respond. When the orphanage reaches maximum capacity, she raises funds to build a new one. When she learns immigrants often lack health care, she raises funds to build a hospital. When she learns she has tuberculosis and has only a few years to live, she marches on.
"You will have plenty of time to rest in Heaven," she tells the archbishop. Her goal was to see the world as Jesus saw it.
"Her life was like the ultimate prayer," director Alejandro Monteverde told Crosswalk. "She did not care about what people believed. She cared about the human being."
Cabrini's life, he added, teaches us to "love more, judge less."
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Photo Courtesy: Angel Studios/Used with permission/SWN Design/Canva Pro
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