Prepared to meet God?

Bashan was a plain where lush grasses abound and where cattle were well fed, healthy, and even plump.
A daily blog on
Published Dec 11, 2012
Prepared to meet God?


Hear this!

Read Amos 4 v 1-3

Bashan was a plain where lush grasses abound and where cattle were well fed, healthy, and even plump.

  • - What are the women described as "cows of Bashan" like (v 1)?
  • - How does God respond to them (v 2-3)?



  • - How do we see "cows of Bashan" in our society today? Do you see the same attitude in your own heart?


Verse 2 is very unusual because God swears an oath by an attribute of His very own being, His holiness. This is an indication that the judgment promised is definitely going to happen.



Much of Amos is concerned with issues of social injustice. God clearly hates wealth that is self-focused and exploitative. Again, we're being prodded to ask ourselves: Would God be pleased with my use of money/wealth? Does it reflect God's generosity to me?


False worship

Read verses 4-5

The first king of Israel, Jeroboam, built idolatrous religious sites at Shechem and Bethel (1 Kings 12 v 25-33). These sites were not endorsed by God, who lived among His people in the Jerusalem Temple. Amos is rebuking worship which pretends it is for God's glory, but is really about the glory of the worshipper.

  • - How impressive would Israel's actions in v 4-5 have looked from the outside?
  • - How does God describe them (beginning v 4)?
  • - What is the warning for us as churchgoers?

Past and present opportunities

Read verses 6-11

Many of the curses listed here reflect the covenant curses of Leviticus 26, which God warned would come upon those who break covenant with God.

  • - Whis phrase is repeated throughout this passage?
  • - What does it imply about the goal of God's judgment on Israel?

Read verses 12-13

In v 6-11, God sent seven natural disasters. Now He will send... Himself.

  • - Who is this God (v 13)? If you'd been in Israel, how would you feel about meeting Him?



When Peter talks about the coming of the Lord Jesus as judge, he urges that we "make certain that the Lord finds you pure, spotless, and living at peace" (2 Peter 3 v 14, CEV).

  • - What practical things might help you do this?


This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from The Good Book Company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / Prepared to meet God?