Peace and grace

Doing things right
A daily blog on
Published Dec 04, 2012
Peace and grace


Doing it right

Read 2 Thessalonians 3 v 13

Why do we sin, or do what is not right? It's because, in one way or another, we're tired of living God's way. We may feel that we're literally too exhausted; or that we're bored of it; or that we've lived God's way enough today; or that it's too much effort.

  • - What causes you to get tired of doing right?



Think of the day ahead. Think of the week ahead.

  • - What will it mean for you to do "what is right" in each of the contexts you will find yourself? When will it be hardest?
  • - What encouragements will you need to make sure you "never tire of doing what's right?"

Take time to pray now about your answers. Would it be wise to ask someone else to pray for you, too?


Dealing with the disobedient

Read verses 14-15

  • - How should Christians relate to those in the church who reject Paul's teaching?
  • - What is the aim of doing this (end of v 14)?
  • - Such a person is to be warned as a brother, not as an enemy (v 15). What practical difference will this make?



It's never easy to humbly point out a fellow Christian's shortcomings. But just as good biological families won't allow serious issues to go unmentioned, neither should the church.

  • - Think back to the Bible teaching in this issue of Explore. Is there any way you're living or thinking which needs challenging?
  • - Would you be willing to challenge another Christian as a brother?


What a wonderful God!

Read verses 16-18

This letter started with "grace and peace" in 1 v 2, and it ends with the same themes. The Thessalonian church was facing persecution without and problems within... but they had what mattered most. The undeserved kindness of relationship with God through Christ. The wonderful peace of knowing the God who is in control of the present and the future. the God of grace and peace is "with you all."



Thank God for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in coming and dying and rising to save His people. Talk to God about areas of life about which you don't feel at peace. Ask Him to fill you with "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding" (Phillippians 4 v 7).


This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from The Good Book Company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

Click here and enter the code bstexplore60 when you check out to get the next quarter’s Explore for $5.84, a 10% discount.

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