Hearing hard things

Although God sometimes has hard things to say to His people, His plans are always for the good of His people (Micah 2 v 6-7). So, let's hear Him with thanks and a determination to amend our ways if and where we need to.
A daily blog on Christianity.com
Published Dec 10, 2012
Hearing hard things



Although God sometimes has hard things to say to His people, His plans are always for the good of His people (Micah 2 v 6-7). So, let's hear Him with thanks and a determination to amend our ways if and where we need to.

Gift and change

Read Amos 3 v 1-2

  • - What privilege do God's people have?
  • - But what does their status not exempt from?

Covenants have two sides.

  • 1. God commits Himself to those in covenant with Him. He will bless His covenant people.
  • 2. God's people are to be faithful to God and obedient to His word. God's gift demands a change in our behavior.



  • - Are you someone who sometimes wants the gift of relationship with God, but not the change in behavior?
  • - How do these verses challenge you?


Who can but speak?

Read verses 3-8

  • - What are the first seven causes and effects listed here (v 3-6)?

In verse 8, fearing the lion's roar is linked to the right response to God's words.

  • - So what should happen when God speaks?




Just like Amos, we have been given God's word to declare to God's world (if you have time, read 1 Peter 2 v 9-10). It is part of being one of God's people. Pray (and also plan) for opportunities to speak about Jesus to others.


Read verses 9-15

God calls two pagan nations to witness His accusation against His people.

  • - What is God's primary accusation against Israel (v 10)?
  • - What specific example is given?
  • - How will God's punishment of His people fit the crime (v 13-15)?

God's generosity towards His people should be met by generosity from His people, but this is not how Israel acts.




We may not have a great deal of loot, nor great fortresses to store it in! But we can live out the opposite of verse 10, by seeking to do right; and by using our homes and possessions to be radically generous to others.

  • - How could you do this more?

Read 2 Corinthians 8 v 9

  • - How is Jesus our example and inspiration in this way of life?


This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from The Good Book Company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / Hearing hard things