Choosing his words carefully

While Elizabeth and Mary were speaking and singing about God's goodness, Elizabeth's husband Zechariah was literally speechless (verse 20). But the time was coming for his words to return. What would he use them to do?
A daily blog on
Published Dec 21, 2012
Choosing his words carefully



While Elizabeth and Mary were speaking and singing about God's goodness, Elizabeth's husband Zechariah was literally speechless (verse 20). But the time was coming for his words to return. What would he use them to do?

A strange name

Read Luke 1 v 56-66

  • - How are the events of verses 59-64 an "undoing" of what had happened to Zechariah in the temple (v 11-22)?
  • - What was the crowd expecting Zechariah to name his baby?

In naming his son John, hte new father is shoing that he's now fully signed up to God's plan. He would rather follow God's lead than tradition's, or society's. Where once there was doubt and disbelief, now there is a deep confidence and trust in the turht of God's word.

  • - What does a tongue loosed by trusting in God's word do (v 64)

An amazing plan

Read verses 67-80

Zechariah's Spirit-directed praise outlines for us both what God is up to, and who He is doing it through.

  • - Pick out phrases which tell us what God was doing in Zechariah's day.
  • - How is He doing this (the "horn" symbolizes strength)(v 69)?
  • - In light of verses 31-32, who is being spoken of hear?




The "enemies" (v 74) Zechariah meant were probably the occupying Romans.

Read Luke 11 v 14-22

  • - Which ultimate enemy did Jesus, the one "in the house of his servant David" (v 69), come to defeat?

And so Zechariah finished by prophesying a much greater consequence of God's plan than a simple political rescue (v 78-79). God has come to bring the light of life to those "in the shadow of death."


  • - What role will Zechariah's son, John, play in God's great plan (v 76-77)?
  • - What result would God's actions have for His poeple (v 74-75)?



We've seen the right response to seeing God's plan of salvation unfold is to praise God (v 64), to serve God freely, and to live a holy life ie: become like Him (v 75).

  • - How can you do each of these thing a little more today?




Choose a couple of phrases from Zechariah's wonderful song and use them to praise "the Most High."


This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from The Good Book Company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / Choosing his words carefully