All under control

God is in loving control of all things from the greatest storms to the smallest details
A daily blog on
Published Nov 01, 2012
All under control

God is in loving control of all things, from the greatest storms to the smallest details.

Who is responsible?

Read Jonah 1 v 7

  • - How do we see God controlling a tiny detail in the middle of His huge storm



Read Proverbs 16 v 33

How does this verse help us to appreciate what's going on in Jonah 1 v 7?


It's pretty clear that Jonah has failed in his attempt to escape God's presence and power! God is controlling even the tiniest details of Jonah's experience on this ship in the middle of the sea.

Read 1 v 4, 15, 17; 2 v 10; 4 v 6-8

  • - What other examples of God's control over all things do we see in the book of Jonah?



As you reflect on your own life, can you see ways in which God has orchestrated both tiny details and the major events of your life to bring you to Him, and to encourage you to live for Him?


What have you done?

Read verses 8-10

The conversation between Jonah and the sailors must be shouted, because the raging wind and waves are getting worse (v 11).

  • - Given the context, why do you think Jonah describes God as he does in verse 9?
  • - The sailors had been afraid of the storm (v 5). What is mkaing them afraid by verse 10?
  • - How are they growing in their understanding of the LORD?

The storm God sent (v 4) and the lot He controlled (v 7) have so far worked their purpose: they have stopped Jonah in his tracks, and caused pagan sailors to hear about, and fear, the Creator of the world, the LORD of Israel.



God's sovereign control over all the details of your life is great news. It means your mistakes can never thwart His plans. It means your decisions can never leave you outside His purposes. It means you can be confident that, if you are trusting in Him and seeking to live for Him, you will make your way home to Him.

Read John 10 v 28-30

Spend some time praising God for His power and control, and the way He uses it for the good of His people.


This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from The Good Book Company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / All under control