A Simple Shift With Life-Changing Results - Wholly Loved - November 2

A Simple Shift With Life-Changing Results

By Kelli Thompson

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

When storms come, will we stand firm and secure?

My newsfeed was filled with neighbors posting windstorm damage—primarily mangled trampolines. Some were perched atop roofs, and some lay upside down in the middle of the street. Our trampoline was held tight in its place, undamaged, because we had taken time and care to anchor it firmly into the ground.

Every summer, we can count on a windstorm to wrangle someone’s backyard bouncer, and I’m reminded of one of the most life-changing habits I’ve made: the ability to regain control over my happiness and my future by using my first thirty minutes to journal, reflect, and “anchor down” to my core values.

I spent most of my twenties and early thirties trending with the way the wind was blowing. I built habits to achieve things I thought would make me happy: ascending job titles, maintaining a certain weight, or people-pleasing. My happiness didn’t last. Hustling to keep up to other people’s stories and earn other’s approval left me exhausted and vulnerable. I was confused about the life I truly desired and too overwhelmed to make the right decisions. 

I found the happiness I was searching for in stillness. I switched how I spent the first 30 minutes of my day. Instead of scrolling newsfeeds, I choose Bible reading and reflective journaling.

I’ve learned to tune into the things that truly matter. The stillness and reflection recalibrates my inner compass and keeps me moving toward my calling. It helps me develop unshakable values that transform my life, work, and relationships. It can for you, too. 

How could anchoring down into God’s word and teaching guide your thoughts and choices today? 

Kelli Thompson is a gifted writer and speaker. First, a wife and mother, God called her out of Corporate America to start a business as a Life & Leadership Coach for women. Kelli loves to share insights about our everyday struggles and practical ideas to access the peace and confidence that God has waiting for us. Learn more at KelliRaeThompson.com.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Wholly Loved / A Simple Shift With Life-Changing Results - Wholly Loved - November 2