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NOVEMBER 14, 2014
When You Can't See What God Is Building |
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
It started out as a simple school assignment, but turned into a lesson from God.
My son's seventh-grade Social Studies teacher told students to build a pyramid. There were no specifics about how tall, big or what materials to use. The students were only told to use their imaginations.
When my son told me about the project, I immediately put on my crafty-mom hat. How much foam core board and hot glue would we need to form a pyramid? I was ready to get started, but when Michael told his daddy about the project, it took on a whole new twist. Before I knew it, we were all at the local hardware store shopping for lumber and nails.
Lumber and nails? "Ummmm, honey, it's a seventh grade project," I said to my husband as if he had forgotten. He simply smiled and replied, "I know."
I had no idea how a few two-by-four's could be transformed into a pyramid, and it's not at all the way I would've done it. But my husband had a clear mental picture of the outcome. We simply had to trust him.
He and my son spent hours in the cold garage, measuring, sawing and nailing boards. Step by step, a pyramid evolved. We anxiously waited for my husband's vision to become visible. And when it did, it truly was a masterpiece.
As I marveled at this work of art crafted by the hands of my husband and son, God spoke gently to my spirit, reminding me of how I had once questioned His building abilities. All those years when I thought He didn't love me or see my pain. All those years spent questioning His ways and wondering why He had allowed difficult circumstances in my life. All those times I felt mad at God, and wondered if He was mad at me for my sin and my mistakes.
But now I see the bigger picture. I can look back and see how God was crafting my future based on the experiences — good and bad — of my past.
God chose this crafty moment to whisper to my spirit, "Tracie, I have been building something good, beyond your human understanding. I have a purpose for what you have been through, and in time you will see My masterpiece."
Today's key verse reminds us that we are God's workmanship, His masterpiece. The word "workmanship" was used in ancient Greek literature to refer to what a person made or did, and our God is "making" each of us. In Ephesians 2:10, we are urged to remember that just as a painter, sculptor, writer or builder creates their masterpieces, our lives are being crafted by our Creator, making use of all the good things, and difficult things.
When we look back over our lives and see hardships, God sees learning experiences. When we remember difficulties, God sees how He helped us overcome them. When we see pain, God sees the foundation for a unique way to minister to others.
Step by step, day by day, God is working and building, creating a beautiful exhibition of His Presence in our lives. He wants us to see what He sees, and view our lives as a work-in-progress, trusting that He is up to something good. Although we may not like the building process, it may become the one thing God uses to bless us most.
In the same way my husband had a clear mental picture of what he planned to build, God has a clear holy vision about what He is building in our lives, and in His timing, we will get a glimpse of His masterpiece too.
Dear Lord, I believe that You are doing a good work in me and through me. Help me to embrace the promise that You are building a good thing in my life, a masterpiece of Your own making, that one day I will be able to see. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Hebrews 3:4, "For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God." (NLT)
Psalm 139:13, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." (NIV)
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© 2014 by Tracie Miles. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105