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Working Up an Appetite - Encouragement Café - February 9

Working Up An Appetite
By Linda Gray

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103 ESV

“I got too busy to eat” is a sentence that has never passed through my lips. However, I am guilty of being too busy for spiritual food. Many of those times I was “doing ministry.” Going without both physical and spiritual food for prolonged periods of time can be detrimental to physical and spiritual health.

I have a precious friend who has a genuine love for God’s Word.  I admit that I was a little envious of her. Here I was a longtime Christian and a Bible College graduate. I read God’s Word, knew about it, memorized it.  I read devotions about every day.  But she had a passion that I lacked. 

While serving on a mission trip, I asked her about her drive to really study the Bible. I told her I was struggling.  She didn’t make me feel ashamed.  She didn’t degrade me.  Her “secret” was really no secret at all.  It was quite simple. She said that she prayed and asked God to give her a desire to read His Word.

I began to pray like that.  And not only pray, but I opened His Word. Over time, my passion grew. But I didn’t pray just that once. I have prayed many times for God to give me a fresh hunger to read and study His Word. It has become almost a daily prayer for me.

I can describe it this way. Imagine you’re hungry, famished.  And before you, is a beautiful feast. All your favorite foods are included in that spread. It’s not only delicious but chocked full of nutrients. All you have to do is pick up a fork and dig in. Instead, you push back the chair and walk away.  But in the back of your mind, you still see and smell the delicious food. 

God’s Word is full of nutrients for spiritual health. But it needs to be opened and not left on the nightstand or coffee table.  An investment of time and effort is required.  But it’s so worth it.  There are scads of Bible studies, reading plans, devotionals from which to choose.  My advice is to first pray and ask God where He wants you to start. 

God’s Word is just that -- His Word.  It’s the main way He communicates with us.  He has so much to tell us.  I, for one, don’t want to miss out.

Heavenly Father, I come to You with a confession. I struggle to read and study Your Word sometimes.  I know Your Word is what I need for spiritual health.  I sincerely ask that You give me a desire and passion for Your Word. Thank You for Your faithfulness in answering my prayer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen! 

© 2021 by Linda Gray.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Working Up an Appetite - Encouragement Café - February 9