Unshakable Trust - Encouragement Café - April 10

Unshakable Trust
A Faith That Stands the Test of Time
 By Gail Cooper

And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God and shut the door behind him and went out. 2 Kings 4:21

Her pain was real, the grief ran deep, all her life she longed for a family of her own. No wonder why she held her breath when the prophet Elisha told her she would be holding her very own child this time next year. How could this be? Her husband was quite old, she was barren and on top of that she was also well past child bearing years.  

Her question wasn’t without merit. She was well off and surely sought the advice of many doctors through the years but no one could do for her what only God could do.

What seems impossible with man is always possible with God.

Her heart now overjoyed as she watched him grow but one dark day she held her son as life slowly drifted from his body.

She fervently prayed as she kissed his face and ran her fingers through his dark brown hair, now wet by her own tears. The pain in his head was too much, his breath slowed and then came to a complete halt.

How many times have you cried out to God for healing?

How many times have you asked for the mending of your broken heart or the weight of past mistakes to be lifted? 

How many times have you questioned the sovereignty of God?

The Shunammite woman, she didn’t have time to question God, she simply trusted and sprang into action. 

And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God and shut the door behind him and went out. 2 Kings 4:21

Her pain wouldn’t stop her from pursuing God.

She summoned her husband to send her a servant and a donkey. When he questioned why she was going to see the prophet, she said, “all is well” when in fact it wasn’t. 

Yet her faith didn’t falter under the weight of grief and pain, because her faith in the Father was greater than the grief.

I remember like it was yesterday getting a phone call that changed my life forever. Upon hearing the news that my son was missing, presumed dead, after his raft flipped over in a raging river and he never came back up. The receiver slowly slid out of my hand. The hurt and pain was too hard to handle but at that moment, I had to make a decision... would I trust God with the unknown? Would I walk away from the faith I had in God or would I embrace the grace and the love of my heavenly Father?  

We too have a choice to make. At the moment, anxiety is at an all time high in this country. Fear is running rampant, food is disappearing from store shelves, people are fighting over supplies, others are dying. Even so, we are called to live differently than the world, to live in peace and free from fear because we know Who it is that controls all things. 

The Shunammite woman’s son was brought back to life. Mine too overcame death. He found new life with Christ in heaven. What we both experienced in the darkest days of our lives is that we have a God we can trust in, believe in and have confidence in.  He who promised is faithful. Trust in His power, find rest in His provision, and grab hold of His promises.

Father God, there is no one like You. You are the One, True God who will carry us through uncertain times. The earth trembles at Your command. Darkness flees. Your mercy oh Lord, is fresh every morning.  Life begins with You.  Great is Your faithfulness.

For more encouragement, visit Gail at gailcooperspeaker.com.

© 2020 by Gail Cooper.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Unshakable Trust - Encouragement Café - April 10